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Gandhi Poppins!
This is so off topic for the name board, but my boyfriend just sent this to me and I thought it would be appreciated by those at BtN with a true sense of humor.Mahatma Gandh, as you may know, walked about barefoot most of the time, which produced an impressive set of calluses on his feet.
He also ate very little, which made him rather frail, and with his odd diet he suffered bad breath. This made him... what?
(This is so bad it's good)
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...Just a spoonful of urine beats the medicine hands down...According to one of his biographies, good old Gandhi attributed his good excellent health to his breakfast habits: one warm glass of his own urine first thing in the morning....'Cole , once again, you are the very definition of coolness :)))
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"Oh it's a jolly holiday in Bombay / A sari makes your heart so gay..."Not to mention that Ghandi also happened to be a cross-dresser...-- Nanaea
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Flat buyers in Bombay beware of Kashinath MhatreGRIEVANCE AGAINST A BUILDERHere’s cautioning all people living in Bombay and the extended suburbs against a particular builder by the name of KASHINATH MHATRE of SADANAND MAHARAJ CONSTRUCTION COMPANY whose office is located at Eksar Talao, Eksar road, Borivali West, Bombay, who has been blackmailing us flat owners by curtailing our water supply several times unless defaulters pay maintenance charges (and that too as per his discretion). Because of such blackmail even those who pay maintenance charges have been suffering because of him. He also has gone back on some of his contractual obligations (spelt out in the agreement) and refuses to abide by them. He also refuses to honour an agreement signed with us flat owners recently to the effect that he would charge only a particular amount as maintenance charges with deductions in case of curtailment of or poor quality of water supply. Despite this agreement he demands a higher amount from us and sends threatening letters to us. He has recently threatened to stop our water supply, electricity and security. He also denies allegations of curtailment of water supply. Moreover water seeps into the building in some of our flats because of his poor quality of construction. He also refuses to form a society and hand it over to us despite having charged us flat owners for it. Readers are advised not to have any dealings with this builder.
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Flat buyers in Bombay beware of Kashinath MhatreGRIEVANCE AGAINST A BUILDERHere’s cautioning all people living in Bombay and the extended suburbs against a particular builder by the name of KASHINATH MHATRE of SADANAND MAHARAJ CONSTRUCTION COMPANY whose office is located at Eksar Talao, Eksar road, Borivali West, Bombay, who has been blackmailing us flat owners by curtailing our water supply several times unless defaulters pay maintenance charges (and that too as per his discretion). Because of such blackmail even those who pay maintenance charges have been suffering because of him. He also has gone back on some of his contractual obligations (spelt out in the agreement) and refuses to abide by them. He also refuses to honour an agreement signed with us flat owners recently to the effect that he would charge only a particular amount as maintenance charges with deductions in case of curtailment of or poor quality of water supply. Despite this agreement he demands a higher amount from us and sends threatening letters to us. He has recently threatened to stop our water supply, electricity and security. He also denies allegations of curtailment of water supply. Moreover water seeps into the building in some of our flats because of his poor quality of construction. He also refuses to form a society and hand it over to us despite having charged us flat owners for it. Readers are advised not to have any dealings with this builder.
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Mahatma Gaandu????
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And the award for "Most Hilarious Flame War" goes to......what I found while doing a Google search in an attempt to figure out what "gaandu" means, Pavlos.I'm absolutely laffin' my freakin' BUTT off over this! From a cursory glance, it appears that the Hindus, Sikhs and Muslims are all beating the crap out of each other over on this message board.Hey, check out some of these insults: "Your messages even smell worse than the dirty ass of Hindu Monkey God!" Oooo, I'll bet that hurt. :)Even funnier are the defensive rebuttals: "You [Muslim] bastards are so insecure that you preclude the possibilty of others having hallucinations and becoming prophets." Hee-hee, don't wanna piss that guy off by telling him he's not entitled to hallucinations of his own. ;)Oh man, when religious fanatics decide to open up a can o' whop-ass on each other, IT'S FREAKIN' HILARIOUS!! Nanaea ("Gimme Jihad!")
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Nan this is one of......the funniest passages I've ever read! And truly spooky, given the fact that these fellows are to a large extent serious. Do you think we should join in and freak them out with the Satanic and Hellenic views of the world?
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Oh, there's more, Pav & 'Cole. Check out the main page...Here's the link to the entire Bollywood on Web forum: apparently is supposed to be a forum about movie reviews, but those guys do NOTHING but bitchslap each other over there! Their flaming is so lame that it's heeee-larious! I was crackin' up just reading the topic headings, let alone the actual messages!Hee-heee... They use stinging words like "melicious" and "bicth". Har! Har! Har!-- Nanaea
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ROTFL!!! And these people are serious! They have such pride in their country (if you can call it that). Sure beats the "Don't you be talkin' 'bout my mama" bickering I hear around my town!
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Hahahahahaha! This was cooler than an anagram, even! (If such a thing is imaginable).
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