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Gandhi Poppins!
This is so off topic for the name board, but my boyfriend just sent this to me and I thought it would be appreciated by those at BtN with a true sense of humor.Mahatma Gandh, as you may know, walked about barefoot most of the time, which produced an impressive set of calluses on his feet.
He also ate very little, which made him rather frail, and with his odd diet he suffered bad breath. This made him... what?
(This is so bad it's good)
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Gandhi Poppins!  ·  'Cole  ·  8/31/2001, 8:29 PM
...Just a spoonful of urine beats the medicine hands down...  ·  Pavlos  ·  9/1/2001, 1:34 AM
Flat buyers in Bombay beware of Kashinath Mhatre  ·  Anna Marie  ·  10/18/2001, 2:23 AM
Flat buyers in Bombay beware of Kashinath Mhatre  ·  Anna Marie  ·  10/18/2001, 2:20 AM
Mahatma Gaandu???? n/t  ·  Pavlos  ·  9/1/2001, 10:05 AM
And the award for "Most Hilarious Flame War" goes to...  ·  Nanaea  ·  9/1/2001, 11:25 AM
Nan this is one of...  ·  Pavlos  ·  9/2/2001, 10:56 AM
Oh, there's more, Pav & 'Cole. Check out the main page...  ·  Nanaea  ·  9/2/2001, 2:44 PM
Re: And the award for "Most Hilarious Flame War" goes to...  ·  'Cole  ·  9/2/2001, 12:53 AM