It really bothers me so many names submitted under the "Jewish" category are just Yiddish or Ashkenazi names
I suggest that there be a Jewish (Ashkenazi) usage and a Jewish (Spheradi) instead because it's wrong to submit them as "Jewish" Most were exclusively or are exclusively used by Ashkenazi Jews.
This usage can be used as a placeholder for other usages for example:
sometimes I am not sure about the usage of certain Ashkenazi I submit and I think it would be beneficial for other users as well who want to submit a name used by North African Jews, Middle Eastern Jews, for example, or by Sephardim but don't know whether they should submit it under the category Judeo-Spanish or Judeo-Arabic.Most Jews in America (US) and Canada are Ashkenaizm but it is still wrong in my opinion to list Ashkenazic as "Jewish", In my opinion, it paints a wrong picture for the non-Jewish users of the website.
I understand it is typically a user-assigned category and a placeholder; additionally, the mods have to edit many names, but I still feel the need to point it out*******
rate my PLN:

This message was edited 10/27/2024, 9:58 AM

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It really bothers me so many names submitted under the "Jewish" category are just Yiddish or Ashkenazi names  ·  (Is-rah-el) Israelle  ·  10/27/2024, 7:48 AM