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Name update #116
The names on this website have been updated. While there were many new names added, there was a heavy focus on making improvements to existing entries.- better transcriptions of Arabic, Persian, and Sanskrit name elements
- lots of new pronunciations added (with help from users sekejap, guasguendi and Lucille)
- Old Testament Hebrew names and New Testament Greek names link to the appropriate entry in Strong's lexicon
- Ancient Greek names link to the entry on the Lexicon of Greek Personal Names website
- better write-ups for names from Hindu traditionChange logs: (given names) (surnames) (place names)
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Thanks for all your work!I have a question on one of the updated surnames.What's the reason for adding Kazloŭ, Kazlova, Kazlow as Belarusian forms of Ivanov, if Ivanov means "son of Ivan" (Russian form of Iohannes, "Yahweh is gracious")
and Kazloŭ is derived from Belarusian казёл (kaziol) meaning "male goat"?
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Plus, those names are more linked to Russian Kozlov/Kozlova.
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This is a mistake. There was an errant connection between Kazlow and Ivan. Unfortunately this sort of error can't be easily fixed without regenerating all the relations since it affects so many names. I'll do an update sooner rather than later to correct this.
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Thank you for the clarification, Mike.Also, I've noticed that the pronunciation of the surnames Volkov and Volkova is listed incorrectly. In fact, the stress in them falls on the first syllable.Волков#Russian

This message was edited 10/17/2024, 5:43 PM

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Good to know ☺️
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Romanian names...please
Thanks for understanding
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Awesome! I'm looking forward to looking through the new names. Thanks for adding them!
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Very cool, Mike!
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Great work! Thank you!
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Lovely work as usual!
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Mai poți adăuga și alte nume românești..te rogMersi pentru înțelegere
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That's wonderful to hear! The more names the better, thank you very much.
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Hi Mike C!Wonderful! Thank you a lot!!What about the deleted names?
Eiran (m) Heroidias (f) Heroidion (m) Hisein (m) Imram (m) Mis'id (m) Tirtzah (f) Tzivyah (f)
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Eiran, Tirtzah and Tzivyah were merged into Eran, Tirtza and Tzivya.Heroidias and Heroidion were defective spellings (better realized as Herodias and Herodion, which were already included).Imram was a mistake for Imran.Hisein and Mis'id were listed as variants of Husain and Musad, but these were not found to be very usual transcriptions.
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Thank you Mike!
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Wow !!! This is insane !! Thanks you
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Thanks for all your dedication, Mike! :)
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I am so grateful for your dedication to this Website. Thank you so much for this update.
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Thank you!
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Thank you for all your work!
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Thanks Mike! (:
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Thanks a lot, Mike! ^^ETA: Anila(1) and Anila(3) are added, but not Anila(2)?

This message was edited 10/7/2024, 5:22 AM

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Arg! This name didn't transfer properly. Will fix.
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Now it's correctly added. Thanks again.By the way, I've also noticed that Celsa is listed as a masculine name in Portuguese, instead of feminine.
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This should be fixed now.
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It is. Thank you once again!
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