Got Deutsch?
You know, I actually had to do an AltaVista translation to figure out what the heck "Gruess Gott" meant. Until then, I wondered if you were throwin' some sly expletive at us all here, Daivid. ;)But, of course, I couldn't just stop there. So I went and translated that entire first paragraph of yours..."Gruess Gott, y'all, We didna venture far from home today, having only the traditional after-church family Easter meal at Outback Steakhouse (I skipped the ham special, which came embellished with cloves and a delicate Prep-H sauce). What's their motto?: 'No 'roids, just right'."...into German:"Gruess Gott, y'all, Wir didna wagnis weit von Haus heute, nur die traditionelle Nachkirchefamilie Osternmahlzeit am Outback Steakhouse (ich übersprang den speziellen Schinken, der embellished mit Nelken und einer empfindlichen Prep-Hsoße kam habend). Was ihr Motto? ist: 'keine 'roids, gerade Recht'."And, after laughin' myself silly over that, it occured to me that "schinken" sounds even less appetizing than "buttock". _( l )_German is such an entertaining language -- especially when you RE-translate the translated German back into English again!"Greet God, y'all, we didna venture far from house today, only the traditional Nachkirchefamilie Easter meal at the Outback Steakhouse (I skipped the special ham, embellished with carnations and a sensitive Prep Hsosse came having). What their slogan? is: 'none 'roids, even right'."-- Nanaea
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does anyone know about the last name o' brady or brady?  ·  brandi a.  ·  4/15/2001, 2:32 PM
When Daividh gets back...  ·  Nanaea  ·  4/15/2001, 3:05 PM
Re: When Daividh gets back...  ·  Daividh  ·  4/15/2001, 5:28 PM
Re: When Daividh gets back...  ·  Chris Brady  ·  4/13/2004, 5:35 PM
Got Deutsch?  ·  Nanaea  ·  4/16/2001, 10:52 AM
Re: Got Deutsch?  ·  Daividh  ·  4/16/2001, 1:46 PM
Re: Got Deutsch?  ·  Nanaea  ·  4/16/2001, 2:21 PM
A little something I received by e-mail ages ago....  ·  PriaposLovs  ·  4/17/2001, 2:24 AM
I'm gonna need some of that...  ·  Nanaea  ·  4/17/2001, 4:36 AM