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I've fallen in love with the name Zosime (Zoh-see-mee) but I haven't been able to find any information relating to modern usage. Is there actually anyone out there with this name? I thought maybe since it's listed as an ancient Greek name it might still be in use in Greece, but I have no idea where to look to find out. Help!
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Zosime is a great name, I wouldn't let actual popularity prevent you from liking or using it.
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In such cases I do what I call "the Facebook test": I check whether there are People on Facebook with the given name. One cannot obtain real "proofs" this way of course, but quite strong indications, given that there are hundreds of millions of people registered there.I checked, and I saw maybe a dozen people or so that looked as if they had Zosime as their real given name.
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I did the same test and it looked like only a couple of them were Greek, so I think it would be safe to say the name probably isn't in wide usage among the younger Greek crowd.
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