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I've fallen in love with the name Zosime (Zoh-see-mee) but I haven't been able to find any information relating to modern usage. Is there actually anyone out there with this name? I thought maybe since it's listed as an ancient Greek name it might still be in use in Greece, but I have no idea where to look to find out. Help!
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Zosime  ·  Zinaida  ·  12/23/2010, 7:24 PM
Re: Zosime  ·  E.Tracy  ·  1/8/2011, 11:57 AM
Re: Zosime  ·  Rene  ·  12/23/2010, 9:46 PM
Re: Zosime  ·  Marija Luminitsa  ·  12/24/2010, 11:13 PM