Re: Ancient Greek names - your help is much appreciated. :)
Here are a few suggestions. :)Bellerophon - or Bellerophontes. I've seen it suggested as "slayer of Bellerus". From phone^ meaning "to murder".Demonax - first element must be de^mos "the people".Dexagoridas - first element could be related to dexia "right hand, good" = Latin dexter.Lykophron - second element could be phronis "wisdom".Pelopidas - could refer to the Peloponnese?Pentheus - from pentheo^ "bewail, lament".Serapion - from Greek Sarapis/Serapis, refers to the Egyptian god Osiris-Apis.Sisyphus - see
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Ancient Greek names - your help is much appreciated. :)  ·  Jörmungandr  ·  2/3/2008, 10:29 AM
Re: Ancient Greek names - your help is much appreciated. :)  ·  Mike C  ·  2/5/2008, 1:29 PM
Thank you, Mike C. - that does help! :) (n/t)  ·  Jörmungandr  ·  2/6/2008, 6:43 AM
Something I think you should know  ·  Bastien Rosier  ·  3/12/2008, 6:33 AM
I already knew that. I mostly used latinized versions. (nt)  ·  Jörmungandr  ·  3/16/2008, 2:45 PM
Pelopidas and Serapion  ·  Nicola  ·  2/3/2008, 11:16 PM
Re: Ancient Greek names - your help is much appreciated. :)  ·  Cleveland Kent Evans  ·  2/3/2008, 8:31 PM
No, none of the names I mentioned are on Pavlos' site, unfortunately. (nt)  ·  Jörmungandr  ·  2/4/2008, 3:52 AM