Nursing Home Abuse
"Calender" is defined as being: "A machine in which cloth, paper, or the like is smoothed, glazed, etc., by pressing between revolving cylinders."Those who supposedly "lend care" in nursing homes have frequently been in the news for treating the elderly in pretty much the manner described above.And, to be totally tasteless..."Calender" also anagrams into "Elder Can".Which is what one might presume the elderly patients are tossed into when the nursing aides are through with them.-- Nanaea
P.S. Hey, Priapos! Beat THAT for tasteless anagramming! :)
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A riddle in an anagram  ·  Selwyn  ·  2/28/2001, 6:52 PM
Nursing Home Abuse  ·  Nanaea  ·  2/28/2001, 7:21 PM
A brief exercise in tastelessness  ·  PriaposLovs  ·  3/1/2001, 1:47 AM
Re: A brief exercise in tastelessness  ·  Nanaea  ·  3/1/2001, 3:30 AM
I am impressed  ·  Selwyn  ·  3/1/2001, 5:47 AM