Elisabet is a Hebrew name and in Spain, in general, names coming from the Old Testament has not been used until 20th century, then the name and its variants could be not clear with respect to gender for the people. Moreover, in the variant Elisabel, the ending is -EL, a typical ending of masculine Biblical names (
Ismael, Ezequiel, etc.).
In Catalan, there is an ancient variant Isabet (from
Elisabet), made in the same way and for the same reasons.
Regarding the sources of ancient forms, they are attested in
Repertori d'Antropònims Catalans (RAC), by
Jordi BOLÒS and
Josep MORAN (Repertoris de la Secció Filològica, II. Institut d'Estudis Catalans. Barcelona, 1994). And they are seen too (whith a fantastic philologycal explanation of the evolution and history of Isabel)in
Diccionario de nombres propios by
Roberto FAURE (Espasa Calpe. Madrid, 2002).
Same explanation for etymology and history is given in
Los nombres de pila españoles by
Consuelo GARCÍA GALLARÍN (Ediciones del Prado. Madrid, 1998);
Diccionario dos nomes galegos by Xesús FERRO et al. (Ir Indo. Vigo, 1998); and
Dictionnaire des prénoms by
Chantal TANET and
Tristan HORDÉ (Larousse.
Paris, 2000).
http://onomastica.mailcatala.comThis message was edited 6/21/2005, 11:32 AM