Meaning and origin of my name
Hi, my first name is Batstone, i was just wondering if anyone could give me more details on its origin and meaning if it has any. This was give to me by my grandpa, who as an orphan was taken care of by an american missionary who worked in india (asia).Thanks a lot please if any of u hae an idea do let me know it has been on my mind since the last 15-20 years.
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Meaning and origin of my name  ·  Batstone Pramod Raja  ·  12/20/2002, 1:09 PM
Re: Meaning and origin of my name  ·  Don Batstone  ·  2/12/2003, 7:11 PM
Re: Meaning and origin of my name  ·  Batstone  ·  8/8/2004, 10:56 AM