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Welsh Names
Greetings, I was hoping that someone could help me pronounce two Welsh names. I am considering using the female names Eira and Mairwen in a story I am writing. Thank you for any help that you can give me.
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eira is pronounced eara asin an ear and put a as in uh at the end and mairwen is pronounced mare-when
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I live in Wales and hear the name Eira fairly regularly - it's eye-ra. Mairwen is m-eye-rwen. ei and ai are the same eye sound in Welsh.
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I suppose a lazy Welshman would say M-eye-rwen but the correct pronounciation I think should be Mai-rwen.
That is : Ma (as in Marry).Eira: Eye-ra = SnowMair=Mary
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Call my Mairwen Mare-wen and she will have it out with you. She is M-eye-rwen, quite adamantly! And not lazy!
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