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Welsh Names
Greetings, I was hoping that someone could help me pronounce two Welsh names. I am considering using the female names Eira and Mairwen in a story I am writing. Thank you for any help that you can give me.
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Welsh Names  ·  rosie-posie  ·  11/9/2002, 2:17 PM
Re: Welsh Names  ·  emily46  ·  11/9/2002, 5:16 PM
Re: Welsh Names - correct pronounciation  ·  Merriment ap Calonycythraul  ·  11/10/2002, 5:31 AM
Re: Welsh Names - correct pronounciation  ·  Taff  ·  1/23/2003, 2:41 PM
Re: Welsh Names - correct pronounciation  ·  George Hatton  ·  2/10/2003, 12:52 AM