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Lucas --> meaning of Lucania?
Hey all!I always heard that Lucas meant 'bringer of the light', the 'lu' coming from Latin 'lux', which means 'licht.'But here in the database, I see that Lucas means 'from Lucania.' Then what does Lucania mean? Does it have anything to do with Latin 'lux'?I hope someone can help me out.Thank you very much!Nova de Rijk and little Lucas
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Lucas --> meaning of Lucania?  ·  Nova de Rijk  ·  11/4/2002, 6:07 AM
Re: Lucas -> meaning of Lucania?  ·  lucas  ·  12/6/2003, 7:50 PM
Re: Lucas --> meaning of Lucania? Pavlos, can you help?  ·  Anneza  ·  11/5/2002, 5:37 AM