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This is the name of a minor Asian Human character on Star Trek: Voyager. I'm thinking the name's Japanese, but I'm wondering what it means.I've searched the Internet already, but all 71 English results were about the Voyager character. I then searched the alternative Google offered, Kashimura (with the thought that -ro simply means "son", and therefore I could guestimate what Kashimuro means by adjusting Kashimura's meaning to fit with "son"). But, despite almost 7,000 hits with Kashimura, the first five or so pages didn't reveal its meaning, and I gave up.Help!

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Kashimuro?  ·  Miranda  ·  4/8/2005, 10:02 AM
Re: Kashimuro?  ·  "Bagpus"  ·  4/8/2005, 2:10 PM
Since I'm a Voyager girl: Janeway :-p  ·  Miranda  ·  4/8/2005, 3:25 PM