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names that are not written
these are a couple of hebrew names that are not mentioned:
1. Rotem-(f) a name of a flower in hebrew.
2.Noa-(f) its a totaly different name from noah and you pronounce it differently in hebrew. it is a bibical name and it doesnt have anything to do with noah.
3.Reut-(f) means FRIEND in hebrew.
there are a lot of other names u dont have, and u made a lot of mistakes
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If everyone knew everything, there'd be no need for sites like this one. How nice that you have interesting information that you could provide, and how sad that you prefer to be smugly spiteful rather than helpful.As for mistakes, perhaps nobody has explained to you that proper names, like Hebrew, and words that begin sentences, like These, It and There, have capital letters. The second person pronoun is correctly written: you, and not: u.I look forward to hearing more from you.
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And while we're at it.....(to add to Anneza's comment), "a couple" means two, "totally" has two "l"'s and that little mark in "don't" and "doesn't" is important.
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Furthermore:The first name "Ashley" is written with a capital a, and "names that are not written" is an incomplete sentence.P.S. What is the meaning of "bibical"?
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"bibical": Perhaps "having to do with bibs"? We can only assume our ashley [sic] drools a lot. It would make sense...
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Perhaps it's supposed to be "biblical", but don't quote me, Oh, Greek One.
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names that are not writteny aren't ppls name written ?? who wouldn't put our name in the cattagory's ???i want to know and i want to know now so if any one knows who rote the behind the names web site e-mail me and tel me y aren't ppls name in there
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oh boy...The message board has reached a new low in literacy.
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Just curious: How is Noa pronounced correctly?
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The male name "Noah", as in the man who built the ark, is in Hebrew NO-ach. (For the "ch" pronounciation, I can only quote Phyllis:
"it's almost like you are about to do a very unladylike spit, very guttoral")The female "Noah", the daughter of Zelophehad, is NO-ah.
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Thanks for the information, Shay. Being German, I'm used to producing unladylike spit sounds. ;-)
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you're welcome :-)I think it's a shame that this sound doesn't exist in English.
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It does, but without being a part of a word. :rolleyes:
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Well, the Scottish have it, don't they? Like in "loch", for example?
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The Irish have it, too. I'm not sure if the Welsh or linguistic members of the Celtic branch have that particular sound. *shrug* I believe Russian and some of the members of the Slavic languages have the same sound (Alexander? Any input?)Phyllis (aka Sidhe Uaine or Gaia Euphoria)
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