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"Gool" as a first name.
I have a GOOL Myers, who was born about 1842 in rural Sullivan county, Missouri. Myers is a German name. Both his father and mother came from Tennessee and were born 1815 and 1817, respectively. His mother's name is Nancy Bennett and was a member of the DAR, which leads me to believe that her family was an old one and was here by 1776. All of Gool's siblings are named Elizabeth, James, William, Rebecca, Isaac, Charlotta and Nancy. This seems an unlikely first name. Anyone out there have any idea on what kind of nickname it would be? I suppose it COULD be an original first name, but where did it come from?
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At the name is listed as from England, especially from Devonshire and Somerset. Which might mean it might be from either a Welsh or Cornish origin.
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Full first name "Nazgul"! : )
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Or maybe a dialectal shortening of Gollum?
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I think you guys have picked up some bad hobbits...
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I just checked the 1880 U.S. Federal Census, and Gool was still using that name even then. He didn't appear to have named any of his children with that name or any variation of it. Have you tried checking other census records, for spelling variations in the name, or to get any other clues?-- Nanaea
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That's funny, I know a Jodi Landau, Judy Landauer!:)
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So... umm.... She's your gool-friend?
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