Happy New Year !! Best wishes for the year 2002 from Downunder!!! n/t
The Christmas stuff is down, the heads are cleared, and the bowls are over (mostly the wrong teams won!). But it's now on to what I hope will be a pleasant and prosperous 2002 for all you denizens of BtN. Happy New Year!!
We are deep into the New Year here :o). May it be a happy one for everybody!
An onesiphorous New Year to all ny friends at BtN :)
Oh, Greek One in particular and everybody else in general
I shall be thinking of you as I watch the Olympic Torch pass by the front door to my apartment complex (little Nephele, too)tomorrow evening sometime around either 5:20 or 5:30 pm CST. I'm still shaking after finding out about it from UW-Milwaukee's website (http://www.uwm.edu/News/PR/02.01/torch.html). I'm on the Van Buren leg of the journey. :)
Sorry I haven't posted much for a couple of weeks but school's out and the computer labs were closed when I had the time and money to get here and, well, never mind the rest. I shall try to post more often as the labs open up just a bit more.
Bud blagosloven in 2002 (may it be better than 2001 in some cases)
Phyllis (aka Sidhe Uaine or Gaia Euphoria)
I shall be thinking of you as I watch the Olympic Torch pass by the front door to my apartment complex (little Nephele, too)tomorrow evening sometime around either 5:20 or 5:30 pm CST. I'm still shaking after finding out about it from UW-Milwaukee's website (http://www.uwm.edu/News/PR/02.01/torch.html). I'm on the Van Buren leg of the journey. :)
Sorry I haven't posted much for a couple of weeks but school's out and the computer labs were closed when I had the time and money to get here and, well, never mind the rest. I shall try to post more often as the labs open up just a bit more.
Bud blagosloven in 2002 (may it be better than 2001 in some cases)
Phyllis (aka Sidhe Uaine or Gaia Euphoria)
It means a lot that that anyone would even remotely associate me the Olympic torch:) I usually am identified with other types of flames :P
Maybe we could consider a BtN get-together in Athens for the 2004 Olympic games!
Maybe we could consider a BtN get-together in Athens for the 2004 Olympic games!
Happy New Year! New York still has a few more hours to go!
3 1/2 more hours to go here....