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Name Anagrams
Nanaea, Priapos, Davidh, how do you get your name anagrams? Is there a good site or something?Also, Mike C., spamming is usually posting unsolicited bulk email for advertising. Perhaps you meant off-topic posts? (Or maybe you did mean UBE/UCE)
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Please provide an anagram of my name !
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Hi Jonathan,I'm really not one of the anagrammers. The primary culprits are Pavlos/Pre-Nup (or whatever he's calling himself this week) and Nanaea. They may have more free time and more anagram software than the rest of us. Nan mentions a coupla sites in one of her most recent postings on here, if you're interested.They also both speak Esperanto. Now that the English anagram names project is about put to bed, for God's sake don't encourage them further! An Esperanto anagram names list would constitute spam, in nearly anyone's book...
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Esperanto Anagram ProjectEsperanto Anagram Project :* A Greco-Roman apparent jest.
* Satan met proper jargon ace (i.e. the Nanaea and Priapos team)
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Actually, I think we may just incorporate a few Esperanto names in the list anyway, as it's an extremely eclectic name list. I see that Priapos hasn't hesitated to include the Arabic name for "Satan" in the list -- "Shaitan" -- and make a lovely anagram out of it that's actually (and surprisingly) in common use today as a girl's name: "Tanisha". I wonder how many parents named their daughters "Tanisha", knowing that? ;)-- Nanaea
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Hi, Jonathan! Are you another anagram enthusiast? :) Here are two good sites to try: course, a really good anagram requires some additional human input. These sites will just generate "raw anagrams" for you. Also, these sites won't generate baby name anagrams, as Priapos and I did for Luna on this board, and as Priapos is currently doing the bulk of work for our Anagram Name project. We're doing it because it amuses us. :)-- Nanaea
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Off-topic posts are welcome here (as long as they're not too far off-topic). Advertising, which shows up now and then, is not welcome.
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