The only time I've ever encountered the name Adalind was on the TV show
Grimm, where it belonged to the Hexenbiest (i.e. witch) character Adalind Schade. She started out as a bad guy / Royals loyalist but in the second half of the show did a full 180-turn and joined the good guys, but sometimes it was difficult to forget the truly evil crap she was a party to in the past. Anyway, that's a strong image to have.
Trying to separate Adalind from the character... it might be the only name I like with "lind" in it (not a fan of Rosalind, Linda, etc.). I, too, pronounce it with an initial short-A. It's similar to names like Adalyn / Adeline (with a short-I pronunciation), but looks like the "older" version--even if it's actually etymologically different.
I'd think Adalind's siblings would have equally Old World European names, like Millicent, Isabeau, Tancred, or Godfrey.
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