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Re: Adalind
in reply to a message by ari.
I would pronounce it like A-duh-lind, because English 'quirky' pronunciation rules are odd.
Adalind Maria
Adalind Sarai
Adalind Estelle
Adalind Esmeree
Adalind Maristella
Adalind Dinorah
Adalind SalomeWhat would you call a brother and sister?Adalind has a "bossy" and unusual vibe, I like Adalind but I prefer Adelinde as a standalone name (but Adalind is an amazing combination name).Adalind, Hunter & Lawrance
Adalind, Sybille & Maxwell
Adalind, Francesc & Miles
Adalind, Siegrune & Heilwig (f)/Heilbert (m)
Adalind, Brunette & Ludwig*******
rate my PLN:
discord server for name-nerds:

This message was edited 3/15/2025, 10:50 AM

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