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Unakite Thirteen Hotel
There's a news article making the rounds about a father who is trapped in bureaucratic hell trying to change his daughter's name from "Unakite Thirteen Hotel" to her actual name, which is Caroline Elizabeth Kilburn.Apparently, when the state removes a baby from the care of its parent upon the moment of birth, they provide them with a randomly computer generated name on a "live birth" document that is supposed to be changed immediately to the actual name on the birth certificate. But that didn't happen with Caroline and now her father can't seem to change it, because she has no actual birth certificate. Unakite Thirteen Hotel sounds like it would be a great band name, though. What do you think of this randomly generated "name"?Here's the article:


For those who won't read the whole article, as a Nebraskan I'd like to point out that this child was actually born in Iowa and it was the Iowa government that generated this name. :)
I thought this was some sort of anime series or something. Jeesh that poor kid My first question is why the hell do they even NEED to generate a name of random ass words? Why not use a random name generator of the top X names of whatever area the child lives + the top most common surnames. Like? IF they need some sort of further identification, then give the child an identity code that corrolates with their name, birth date and location of birth etc, there's no need to put code in children's names
I googled Unakite to be certain of what it was before I posted, and the first thing that currently comes up is UNAKITE THIRTEEN HOTEL. I'm not sure if that deserves a "yikes" or a "lol".Having a Random Name Generator that can spit out a combination of "rock + unlucky number + temporary accommodation" sounds incredibly inefficient, dehumanising, and ripe for a lot of court activity in the coming years. On the flip side, I'm not a fan of Caroline Elizabeth and Unakite could go by Una (which I quite like).
I thought "Unakite Thirteen Hotel" was the name of a K-Drama series when I saw the title of the post. Yikes, it's downright terrible. Caroline Elizabeth is a pretty combo, though.
Yikes, doesn't reflect well on the foster system in Nebraska if they didn't notice she can't receive services.I don't hate Unakite. It reminds me of Yuna / Juna and also Malachite which occasionally pops up.
Thirteen is a Johnny Cash song. Hotel seems dumb.I don't really like the combo for a band; it's not the worst but doesn't grab me visually or conceptually.

This message was edited 2/26/2025, 7:22 PM

Why they would even use a program that randomly generates names that can be "Unakite Thirteen Hotel"?
That's so weird. I hope he will be able to change it soon, and I wish a good life for Caroline.
I thought that too. Like why not just put "Baby (mother's name)", why do you need a random string of words? I guess they want it to be unique, like a number, but not as dehumanizing as a number. Seems like a disaster waiting to happen imo.
That's what they did when I was in the hospital. Even though we had a name picked out the baby was Baby LN.Drove my mother in law crazy because it was under my hyphenated name and not just my husband's.
I just heard about this and can't imagine the difficulty he is going through to change her name. Caroline Elizabeth is a beautiful name and I hope in the very near future it's on all of her official documents.
I really like Caroline Elizabeth, but Unakite Thirteen is awful.
Better for a band than an individual! Perhaps admirers of the Rolling Stones; I can hear their drumming in my mind.Isn't it amazing how often bureaucrats (and other people, to be fair) find it just about impossible to admit they've made a mistake, and then to correct it? But I'm sure Daddy has every incentive to keep on nagging until they give up and put things right.