Results of the Popular US Female Baby Names of the 1880s Polls, Ranked in Order of Biggest Falls in Popularity from Then to Now (according to BtN users)
I decided to have a seven-vote cutoff (arbitrarily) for the poll results, and after 80 polls, these are the EIGHT HUNDRED TWENTY-SIX names you all said did not pass the sniff test, lol. They are:
1. Bertha
2. Edna
3. Mattie
4. Jessie
5. Fannie
6. Nettie
7. Lizzie
8. Sallie
9. Susie
10. Addie
11. Willie
12. Nannie
13. Beulah
14. Ollie
15. Ora
16. Mayme
17. Essie
18. Alta
19. Ola
20. Ina
21. Lou
22. Bettie
23. Rena
24. Bertie
25. Dollie
26. Verna
27. Lelia
28. Harriett
29. Roxie
30. Abbie
31. Flossie
32. Sue
33. Lora
34. Hulda
35. Hettie
36. Nelle
37. Carolyn
38. Gussie
39. Hester
40. Lettie
41. Virgie
42. Lura
43. Fanny
44. Gertie
45. Linnie
46. Mittie
47. Meta
48. Elma
49. Elnora
50. Dessie
51. Erma
52. Alvina
53. Mabelle
54. Leola
55. Lee
56. Malinda
57. Margie
58. Georgie
59. Mandy
60. Lessie
61. Blanch
62. Letha
63. Orpha
64. Lyda
65. Pearle
66. Bell
67. Angie
68. Artie
69. Floy
70. Oma
71. Sudie
72. Lona
73. Vina
74. Leota
75. Ona
76. Alpha
77. Velma
78. Zula
79. Dona
80. George
81. Mertie
82. Charity
83. Johnnie
84. Ernestine
85. Nan
86. Pansy
87. Margret
88. Tennie
89. Vida
90. Eda
91. Melvina
92. Tena
93. Cecil
94. Doris
95. Leta
96. Berta
97. Lue
98. Jimmie
99. Tina
100. Mazie
101. Vinnie
102. James
103. Donna
104. Missouri
105. Ettie
106. Belva
107. Jannie
108. Dena
109. Hilma
110. Retta
111. Muriel
112. Tessie
113. Lavina
114. Pattie
115. Rilla
116. Pinkie
117. Almeda
118. Bella
119. Dixie
120. Kathrine
121. Lennie
122. Mellie
123. Letitia
124. Louie
125. Reba
126. Vada
127. Harriette
128. Eddie
129. Besse
130. Lenna
131. Ludie
132. Adda
133. Libbie
134. Erna
135. Idella
136. Lovie
137. Phebe
138. Cordie
139. Patsy
140. Queen
141. Ray
142. Docia
143. Vallie
144. Vernie
145. Florida
146. Myrta
147. Sena
148. Lutie
149. Donnie
150. Meda
151. Elizebeth
152. Manda
153. Connie
154. Tommie
155. Zona
156. Mallie
157. Era
158. Jettie
159. Luvenia
160. Frank
161. Christena
162. Ocie
163. Altha
164. Corrie
165. Matie
166. Beryl
167. Mahala
168. Merle
169. Cathrine
170. Clemmie
171. Verda
172. Donie
173. Easter
174. Phyllis
175. Onie
176. America
177. Elda
178. Bennie
179. Mame
180. Wanda
181. Emmer
182. Ethelyn
183. Ara
184. Glenna
185. Lelah
186. Joe
187. Maye
188. Arrie
189. Malvina
190. Tressie
191. Mintie
192. Loula
193. Lonie
194. Mettie
195. Theo
196. Vena
197. Zetta
198. Leone
199. Lonnie
200. Metta
201. Madie
202. Wilda
203. Katheryn
204. Liddie
205. Huldah
206. Leatha
207. Kizzie
208. Kathryne
209. Kattie
210. Etha
211. Corda
212. Sidney
213. Oda
214. Sina
215. Tressa
216. Zada
217. Cordia
218. Daisie
219. Frona
220. Genie
221. Hassie
222. Sula
223. Effa
224. Viva
225. Paralee
226. Theresia
227. Arminta
228. Birtie
229. Dorcas
230. Fred
231. Jewell
232. Tempie
233. Amie
234. Clora
235. Ottie
236. Gena
237. Arie
238. Dell
239. Dicie
240. Gail
241. Ivah
242. Annis
243. Bulah
244. Dessa
245. Osie
246. Grayce
247. Margaretta
248. Verdie
249. Estell
250. Lissie
251. Lular
252. Nita
253. Dottie
254. Albertine
255. Maymie
256. Arvilla
257. Icie
258. Juana
259. Manie
260. Nonie
261. Odie
262. Etna
263. Icy
264. Alvena
265. Zoa
266. Dee
267. Fronie
268. Maybell
269. Rosia
270. Margarita
271. Nanie
272. Vertie
273. Glennie
274. Sadye
275. Drucilla
276. Nelia
277. Izora
278. Nealie
279. Emelie
280. Mima
281. Osa
282. Letta
283. Aura
284. Dillie
285. Adell
286. Elta
287. Lollie
288. Mammie
289. Rossie
290. Jossie
291. Manuela
292. Margarette
293. Edmonia
294. Aletha
295. Doshie
296. Elvie
297. Fronia
298. Eulah
299. Florrie
300. Nena
301. Honora
302. Lovina
303. Minda
304. Neta
305. Parthenia
306. Vergie
307. Adline
308. Claude
309. Electa
310. Helga
311. Ossie
312. Bernadine
313. Erie
314. Joe
315. Rella
316. Albertina
317. Anner
318. Arlie
319. Sammie
320. Dellar
321. Roma
322. Berdie
323. Daisey
324. Lorene
325. Vella
326. Hessie
327. Lelar
328. Abby
329. Ardella
330. Roxy
331. Aileen
332. Novella
333. Robbie
334. Exie
335. Florine
336. Gusta
337. Lavada
338. Netta
339. Zilpha
340. Bama
341. Bird
342. Fairy
343. Florance
344. Loretto
345. Luetta
346. Tinnie
347. Cammie
348. Johnie
349. Rubie
350. Tennessee
351. Allene
352. Josiephine
353. Myrtis
354. Olevia
355. Aggie
356. Elfrieda
357. Golden
358. Margarett
359. Attie
360. Berenice
361. Hetty
362. Tiny
363. Alverta
364. Byrd
365. Dosha
366. Ena
367. Flo
368. Glenn
369. Lella
370. Omie
371. Ova
372. Vannie
373. Zettie
374. Bobbie
375. Olie
376. Audie
377. Becky
378. Freida
379. Goldia
380. Katy
381. Dellie
382. Ferne
383. Hellen
384. Lavenia
385. Beaulah
386. Bina
387. Jodie
388. Katharina
389. Hermine
390. Ressie
391. Hermina
392. Lera
393. Lulie
394. Media
395. Nelly
396. Reta
397. Sada
398. Sarrah
399. Veva
400. Will
401. Biddie
402. Libby
403. Nana
404. Rosy
405. Sabra
406. Yetta
407. Macie
408. Maxie
409. Ozella
410. Signe
411. Tracy
412. Bula
413. Capitola
414. Jeffie
415. Lockie
416. Malissie
417. Verona
418. Vira
419. Avie
420. Byrdie
421. Doshia
422. Ellar
423. Eller
424. Narcissus
425. Albertha
426. Ammie
427. Atha
428. Dana
429. Eura
430. Lota
431. Ula
432. Vennie
433. Delpha
434. Junie
435. Lala
436. Maida
437. Mannie
438. Marinda
439. Myrtice
440. Texas
441. Trudie
442. Cinda
443. Freddie
444. Lanie
445. Mabell
446. Margarete
447. Thekla
448. Zillah
449. Arline
450. Crystal
451. Missie
452. Permelia
453. Zita
454. Helma
455. Loma
456. Ota
457. Rosena
458. Savanah
459. Texie
460. Tishie
461. Buena
462. Dicy
463. Gene
464. Melva
465. Pheobe
466. Caddie
467. Elmina
468. Birtha
469. Cleora
470. Debbie
471. Fleta
472. Gretta
473. Leva
474. Pennie
475. Venie
476. Antonette
477. Beula
478. Carry
479. Pinkey
480. Angelita
481. Delma
482. Indiana
483. Lacy
484. Mossie
485. Myrle
486. Tilla
487. Henretta
488. Montie
489. Villa
490. Carra
491. Lidie
492. Lilie
493. Lugenia
494. Mirtie
495. Parlee
496. Betsey
497. Classie
498. Elfie
499. Idell
500. Mora
501. Orra
502. Altie
503. Littie
504. Texanna
505. Alla
506. Beda
507. Dossie
508. Gracia
509. Imo
510. Litha
511. Monnie
512. Mozelle
513. Prudie
514. Sister
515. Ason
516. Buna
517. Donia
518. Ima
519. Marry
520. Naoma
521. Orlena
522. Retha
523. Cathern
524. Edla
525. Etter
526. Gertha
527. Lassie
528. Rozella
529. Vassie
530. Vicie
531. Viney
532. Hazle
533. Neoma
534. Thresa
535. Clella
536. Elna
537. Gennie
538. Hildur
539. Patty
540. Ragna
541. Rettie
542. Alverda
543. Bert
544. Lady
545. Lalla
546. Lu
547. Savilla
548. Zelpha
549. Arra
550. Caldonia
551. Ninnie
552. Bena
553. Cloe
554. Clyda
555. Ednah
556. Liller
557. Margretta
558. Pallie
559. Rubye
560. Salina
561. Shellie
562. Siddie
563. Verlie
564. Cleva
565. Jonnie
566. Sylvania
567. Ura
568. Anie
569. Cena
570. Epsie
571. Jule
572. Minervia
573. Orrie
574. Perle
575. Rennie
576. Agusta
577. Ermine
578. Herma
579. Iza
580. Kathern
581. Lemma
582. Macy
583. Manerva
584. Marjory
585. Noma
586. Pernie
587. Roena
588. Santos
589. Senie
590. Vinie
591. Charlottie
592. Ether
593. Gerda
594. Glen
595. Judie
596. Lovey
597. Maie
598. Manuelita
599. Octa
600. Oline
601. Oliva
602. Orilla
603. Pearly
604. Zana
605. Anice
606. Chaney
607. Dorthy
608. Earlie
609. Ela
610. Gillie
611. Lannie
612. Margrett
613. Onnie
614. Rinda
615. Virgia
616. Willia
617. Annice
618. Beckie
619. Francies
620. Gunda
621. Jinnie
622. Mandie
623. Nolia
624. Nonnie
625. Sinda
626. Teckla
627. Vernice
628. Weltha
629. Zilla
630. Amma
631. Channie
632. Cornie
633. Elmire
634. Exa
635. Fidelia
636. Fleda
637. Lurline
638. Mozella
639. Neppie
640. Nezzie
641. Otelia
642. Ruie
643. Rutha
644. Sibbie
645. Tinie
646. Venia
647. Vernia
648. Alene
649. Carrye
650. Chlora
651. Clevie
652. Dannie
653. Dola
654. Dorthea
655. Dosia
656. Eathel
657. Fannye
658. Ingeborg
659. Jess
660. Lavonia
661. Lossie
662. Lynda
663. Myrl
664. Orpha
665. Orie
666. Otie
667. Tiney
668. Almedia
669. Auda
670. Azzie
671. Bitha
672. Chessy
673. Cindy
674. Cleta
675. Else
676. Elzie
677. Ethie
678. Georgine
679. Jamie
680. Louanna
681. Nanna
682. Neola
683. Nolie
684. Vara
685. Agness
686. Arlene
687. Cannie
688. Clemma
689. Crete
690. Janey
691. Leaner
692. Lulah
693. Mell
694. Orelia
695. Ouida
696. Pairlee
697. Sidney
698. Alcie
699. Arkie
700. Arta
701. Clytie
702. Corene
703. Dale
704. Ellena
705. Emogene
706. Ermina
707. Inda
708. Luda
709. Margeret
710. Nicie
711. Pricilla
712. Velva
713. Vessie
714. Almeta
715. Alwina
716. Alwine
717. Antha
718. Cary
719. Cattie
720. Dallie
721. Dorathea
722. Eppie
723. Ever
724. Florine
725. Francisquita
726. Garnett
727. Gustie
728. Hennie
729. Launa
730. Lesta
731. Luberta
732. Maranda
733. Nealy
734. Olla
735. Patti
736. Peggie
737. Percy
738. Refugia
739. Sussie
740. Tomasa
741. Trinidad
742. Tura
743. Allice
744. Angele
745. Arah
746. Archie
747. Axie
748. Byrde
749. Chattie
750. Christene
751. Christian
752. Clemie
753. Creola
754. Cyntha
755. Dennie
756. Elba
757. Elberta
758. Elfreda
759. Elida
760. Essa
761. Evah
762. Fronnie
763. Hila
764. Ica
765. Ilma
766. Ilo
767. Lear
768. Lita
769. Lupe
770. Luvina
771. Mada
772. Malisa
773. Malissia
774. Marget
775. Martie
776. Olivette
777. Otha
778. Pearley
779. Pink
780. Reva
781. Romaine
782. Senora
783. Tacy
784. Texana
785. Thursa
786. Tisha
787. Versa
788. Verta
789. Alline
790. Almyra
791. Belvia
792. Bettye
793. China
794. Chloie
795. Coila
796. Concepcion
797. Darthula
798. Delina
799. Dezzie
800. Erla
801. Evia
802. Fleeta
803. Floss
804. Franc
805. Gaynell
806. Gertude
807. Inger
808. Jeanetta
809. Leathie
810. Loda
811. Madora
812. Mattye
813. Medie
814. Merta
815. Mida
816. Minie
817. Necie
818. Olinda
819. Ovie
820. Ozie
821. Parrie
822. Rittie
823. Tella
824. Treva
825. Vinia
826. Vollie
Some surprising eliminations! There are plenty of names here I liked a lot personally, but I'm sure there are some you did, too! However, another 758 names did pass the seven-vote finish line, and there were some genuine surprises there, too. Which names do you wish made it? Personally, these are the names I wish received more votes or just thought were cool or deserved more respect: Fidelia, Oline, Sylvania, Shellie, Clyda, Savilla, Arvilla, Netta, Lavada, Roxy, Roxie, Ardella, Florine, Lorene, Albertina, Bernadine, Helga, Electa, Parthenia, Lovina, Honora, Nena, Aletha, Lollie, Emelie, Nealie, Izora, Nelia, Margarita, Maybell, Dee, Alvena, Etna, Juana, Maymie, Albertine, Dottie, Nita, Margaretta, Dessa, Gena, Clora, Tempie, Arminta, Theresia, Paralee, Viva, Leatha, Letha, Wilda, Zetta, Loula, Malvina, Clella, Orlena, Naoma, Donia, Gracia, Alta, Idella, Lacy, Angelita, Cleora, Belvia, Permelia, Zita, Missie, Crystal, Arline, Thekla, Zillah, Trudie, Maida, Antha, Narcissus, Vira, Tracy, Signe, Macie, Sabra, Yetta, Katharina, Jodie, Elfrieda, Allene, Mahala, Tommie, Connie, Myrta, Patsy, Erna, Vada, Reba, Mellie, Bella, Tessie, Muriel, Donna, Tina, Leta, Doris, Pansy, Nan, Ernestine, Charity, Velma, Lona, Angie, Lyda, Elnora, Gertie, Fanny, Carolyn, Nelle, Sue, Flossie, Abbie, Lelia, Verna, Dollie, Rena, Bettie, Lou, Ina, Addie, Susie, Sallie, Lizzie, Nettie, Fannie, Jessie, Mattie, Edna..... and Bertha, lol.
Edit: And Theo, China, Verona, Libby, Manuelita, and Berenice, too! I'll stick my neck out for Edna and Bertha, but while I respect it, I will not endorse Dorcas, lmao.
Edit 2: Darthula is also a hilarious find. Is it pronounced like Ursula?
1. Bertha
2. Edna
3. Mattie
4. Jessie
5. Fannie
6. Nettie
7. Lizzie
8. Sallie
9. Susie
10. Addie
11. Willie
12. Nannie
13. Beulah
14. Ollie
15. Ora
16. Mayme
17. Essie
18. Alta
19. Ola
20. Ina
21. Lou
22. Bettie
23. Rena
24. Bertie
25. Dollie
26. Verna
27. Lelia
28. Harriett
29. Roxie
30. Abbie
31. Flossie
32. Sue
33. Lora
34. Hulda
35. Hettie
36. Nelle
37. Carolyn
38. Gussie
39. Hester
40. Lettie
41. Virgie
42. Lura
43. Fanny
44. Gertie
45. Linnie
46. Mittie
47. Meta
48. Elma
49. Elnora
50. Dessie
51. Erma
52. Alvina
53. Mabelle
54. Leola
55. Lee
56. Malinda
57. Margie
58. Georgie
59. Mandy
60. Lessie
61. Blanch
62. Letha
63. Orpha
64. Lyda
65. Pearle
66. Bell
67. Angie
68. Artie
69. Floy
70. Oma
71. Sudie
72. Lona
73. Vina
74. Leota
75. Ona
76. Alpha
77. Velma
78. Zula
79. Dona
80. George
81. Mertie
82. Charity
83. Johnnie
84. Ernestine
85. Nan
86. Pansy
87. Margret
88. Tennie
89. Vida
90. Eda
91. Melvina
92. Tena
93. Cecil
94. Doris
95. Leta
96. Berta
97. Lue
98. Jimmie
99. Tina
100. Mazie
101. Vinnie
102. James
103. Donna
104. Missouri
105. Ettie
106. Belva
107. Jannie
108. Dena
109. Hilma
110. Retta
111. Muriel
112. Tessie
113. Lavina
114. Pattie
115. Rilla
116. Pinkie
117. Almeda
118. Bella
119. Dixie
120. Kathrine
121. Lennie
122. Mellie
123. Letitia
124. Louie
125. Reba
126. Vada
127. Harriette
128. Eddie
129. Besse
130. Lenna
131. Ludie
132. Adda
133. Libbie
134. Erna
135. Idella
136. Lovie
137. Phebe
138. Cordie
139. Patsy
140. Queen
141. Ray
142. Docia
143. Vallie
144. Vernie
145. Florida
146. Myrta
147. Sena
148. Lutie
149. Donnie
150. Meda
151. Elizebeth
152. Manda
153. Connie
154. Tommie
155. Zona
156. Mallie
157. Era
158. Jettie
159. Luvenia
160. Frank
161. Christena
162. Ocie
163. Altha
164. Corrie
165. Matie
166. Beryl
167. Mahala
168. Merle
169. Cathrine
170. Clemmie
171. Verda
172. Donie
173. Easter
174. Phyllis
175. Onie
176. America
177. Elda
178. Bennie
179. Mame
180. Wanda
181. Emmer
182. Ethelyn
183. Ara
184. Glenna
185. Lelah
186. Joe
187. Maye
188. Arrie
189. Malvina
190. Tressie
191. Mintie
192. Loula
193. Lonie
194. Mettie
195. Theo
196. Vena
197. Zetta
198. Leone
199. Lonnie
200. Metta
201. Madie
202. Wilda
203. Katheryn
204. Liddie
205. Huldah
206. Leatha
207. Kizzie
208. Kathryne
209. Kattie
210. Etha
211. Corda
212. Sidney
213. Oda
214. Sina
215. Tressa
216. Zada
217. Cordia
218. Daisie
219. Frona
220. Genie
221. Hassie
222. Sula
223. Effa
224. Viva
225. Paralee
226. Theresia
227. Arminta
228. Birtie
229. Dorcas
230. Fred
231. Jewell
232. Tempie
233. Amie
234. Clora
235. Ottie
236. Gena
237. Arie
238. Dell
239. Dicie
240. Gail
241. Ivah
242. Annis
243. Bulah
244. Dessa
245. Osie
246. Grayce
247. Margaretta
248. Verdie
249. Estell
250. Lissie
251. Lular
252. Nita
253. Dottie
254. Albertine
255. Maymie
256. Arvilla
257. Icie
258. Juana
259. Manie
260. Nonie
261. Odie
262. Etna
263. Icy
264. Alvena
265. Zoa
266. Dee
267. Fronie
268. Maybell
269. Rosia
270. Margarita
271. Nanie
272. Vertie
273. Glennie
274. Sadye
275. Drucilla
276. Nelia
277. Izora
278. Nealie
279. Emelie
280. Mima
281. Osa
282. Letta
283. Aura
284. Dillie
285. Adell
286. Elta
287. Lollie
288. Mammie
289. Rossie
290. Jossie
291. Manuela
292. Margarette
293. Edmonia
294. Aletha
295. Doshie
296. Elvie
297. Fronia
298. Eulah
299. Florrie
300. Nena
301. Honora
302. Lovina
303. Minda
304. Neta
305. Parthenia
306. Vergie
307. Adline
308. Claude
309. Electa
310. Helga
311. Ossie
312. Bernadine
313. Erie
314. Joe
315. Rella
316. Albertina
317. Anner
318. Arlie
319. Sammie
320. Dellar
321. Roma
322. Berdie
323. Daisey
324. Lorene
325. Vella
326. Hessie
327. Lelar
328. Abby
329. Ardella
330. Roxy
331. Aileen
332. Novella
333. Robbie
334. Exie
335. Florine
336. Gusta
337. Lavada
338. Netta
339. Zilpha
340. Bama
341. Bird
342. Fairy
343. Florance
344. Loretto
345. Luetta
346. Tinnie
347. Cammie
348. Johnie
349. Rubie
350. Tennessee
351. Allene
352. Josiephine
353. Myrtis
354. Olevia
355. Aggie
356. Elfrieda
357. Golden
358. Margarett
359. Attie
360. Berenice
361. Hetty
362. Tiny
363. Alverta
364. Byrd
365. Dosha
366. Ena
367. Flo
368. Glenn
369. Lella
370. Omie
371. Ova
372. Vannie
373. Zettie
374. Bobbie
375. Olie
376. Audie
377. Becky
378. Freida
379. Goldia
380. Katy
381. Dellie
382. Ferne
383. Hellen
384. Lavenia
385. Beaulah
386. Bina
387. Jodie
388. Katharina
389. Hermine
390. Ressie
391. Hermina
392. Lera
393. Lulie
394. Media
395. Nelly
396. Reta
397. Sada
398. Sarrah
399. Veva
400. Will
401. Biddie
402. Libby
403. Nana
404. Rosy
405. Sabra
406. Yetta
407. Macie
408. Maxie
409. Ozella
410. Signe
411. Tracy
412. Bula
413. Capitola
414. Jeffie
415. Lockie
416. Malissie
417. Verona
418. Vira
419. Avie
420. Byrdie
421. Doshia
422. Ellar
423. Eller
424. Narcissus
425. Albertha
426. Ammie
427. Atha
428. Dana
429. Eura
430. Lota
431. Ula
432. Vennie
433. Delpha
434. Junie
435. Lala
436. Maida
437. Mannie
438. Marinda
439. Myrtice
440. Texas
441. Trudie
442. Cinda
443. Freddie
444. Lanie
445. Mabell
446. Margarete
447. Thekla
448. Zillah
449. Arline
450. Crystal
451. Missie
452. Permelia
453. Zita
454. Helma
455. Loma
456. Ota
457. Rosena
458. Savanah
459. Texie
460. Tishie
461. Buena
462. Dicy
463. Gene
464. Melva
465. Pheobe
466. Caddie
467. Elmina
468. Birtha
469. Cleora
470. Debbie
471. Fleta
472. Gretta
473. Leva
474. Pennie
475. Venie
476. Antonette
477. Beula
478. Carry
479. Pinkey
480. Angelita
481. Delma
482. Indiana
483. Lacy
484. Mossie
485. Myrle
486. Tilla
487. Henretta
488. Montie
489. Villa
490. Carra
491. Lidie
492. Lilie
493. Lugenia
494. Mirtie
495. Parlee
496. Betsey
497. Classie
498. Elfie
499. Idell
500. Mora
501. Orra
502. Altie
503. Littie
504. Texanna
505. Alla
506. Beda
507. Dossie
508. Gracia
509. Imo
510. Litha
511. Monnie
512. Mozelle
513. Prudie
514. Sister
515. Ason
516. Buna
517. Donia
518. Ima
519. Marry
520. Naoma
521. Orlena
522. Retha
523. Cathern
524. Edla
525. Etter
526. Gertha
527. Lassie
528. Rozella
529. Vassie
530. Vicie
531. Viney
532. Hazle
533. Neoma
534. Thresa
535. Clella
536. Elna
537. Gennie
538. Hildur
539. Patty
540. Ragna
541. Rettie
542. Alverda
543. Bert
544. Lady
545. Lalla
546. Lu
547. Savilla
548. Zelpha
549. Arra
550. Caldonia
551. Ninnie
552. Bena
553. Cloe
554. Clyda
555. Ednah
556. Liller
557. Margretta
558. Pallie
559. Rubye
560. Salina
561. Shellie
562. Siddie
563. Verlie
564. Cleva
565. Jonnie
566. Sylvania
567. Ura
568. Anie
569. Cena
570. Epsie
571. Jule
572. Minervia
573. Orrie
574. Perle
575. Rennie
576. Agusta
577. Ermine
578. Herma
579. Iza
580. Kathern
581. Lemma
582. Macy
583. Manerva
584. Marjory
585. Noma
586. Pernie
587. Roena
588. Santos
589. Senie
590. Vinie
591. Charlottie
592. Ether
593. Gerda
594. Glen
595. Judie
596. Lovey
597. Maie
598. Manuelita
599. Octa
600. Oline
601. Oliva
602. Orilla
603. Pearly
604. Zana
605. Anice
606. Chaney
607. Dorthy
608. Earlie
609. Ela
610. Gillie
611. Lannie
612. Margrett
613. Onnie
614. Rinda
615. Virgia
616. Willia
617. Annice
618. Beckie
619. Francies
620. Gunda
621. Jinnie
622. Mandie
623. Nolia
624. Nonnie
625. Sinda
626. Teckla
627. Vernice
628. Weltha
629. Zilla
630. Amma
631. Channie
632. Cornie
633. Elmire
634. Exa
635. Fidelia
636. Fleda
637. Lurline
638. Mozella
639. Neppie
640. Nezzie
641. Otelia
642. Ruie
643. Rutha
644. Sibbie
645. Tinie
646. Venia
647. Vernia
648. Alene
649. Carrye
650. Chlora
651. Clevie
652. Dannie
653. Dola
654. Dorthea
655. Dosia
656. Eathel
657. Fannye
658. Ingeborg
659. Jess
660. Lavonia
661. Lossie
662. Lynda
663. Myrl
664. Orpha
665. Orie
666. Otie
667. Tiney
668. Almedia
669. Auda
670. Azzie
671. Bitha
672. Chessy
673. Cindy
674. Cleta
675. Else
676. Elzie
677. Ethie
678. Georgine
679. Jamie
680. Louanna
681. Nanna
682. Neola
683. Nolie
684. Vara
685. Agness
686. Arlene
687. Cannie
688. Clemma
689. Crete
690. Janey
691. Leaner
692. Lulah
693. Mell
694. Orelia
695. Ouida
696. Pairlee
697. Sidney
698. Alcie
699. Arkie
700. Arta
701. Clytie
702. Corene
703. Dale
704. Ellena
705. Emogene
706. Ermina
707. Inda
708. Luda
709. Margeret
710. Nicie
711. Pricilla
712. Velva
713. Vessie
714. Almeta
715. Alwina
716. Alwine
717. Antha
718. Cary
719. Cattie
720. Dallie
721. Dorathea
722. Eppie
723. Ever
724. Florine
725. Francisquita
726. Garnett
727. Gustie
728. Hennie
729. Launa
730. Lesta
731. Luberta
732. Maranda
733. Nealy
734. Olla
735. Patti
736. Peggie
737. Percy
738. Refugia
739. Sussie
740. Tomasa
741. Trinidad
742. Tura
743. Allice
744. Angele
745. Arah
746. Archie
747. Axie
748. Byrde
749. Chattie
750. Christene
751. Christian
752. Clemie
753. Creola
754. Cyntha
755. Dennie
756. Elba
757. Elberta
758. Elfreda
759. Elida
760. Essa
761. Evah
762. Fronnie
763. Hila
764. Ica
765. Ilma
766. Ilo
767. Lear
768. Lita
769. Lupe
770. Luvina
771. Mada
772. Malisa
773. Malissia
774. Marget
775. Martie
776. Olivette
777. Otha
778. Pearley
779. Pink
780. Reva
781. Romaine
782. Senora
783. Tacy
784. Texana
785. Thursa
786. Tisha
787. Versa
788. Verta
789. Alline
790. Almyra
791. Belvia
792. Bettye
793. China
794. Chloie
795. Coila
796. Concepcion
797. Darthula
798. Delina
799. Dezzie
800. Erla
801. Evia
802. Fleeta
803. Floss
804. Franc
805. Gaynell
806. Gertude
807. Inger
808. Jeanetta
809. Leathie
810. Loda
811. Madora
812. Mattye
813. Medie
814. Merta
815. Mida
816. Minie
817. Necie
818. Olinda
819. Ovie
820. Ozie
821. Parrie
822. Rittie
823. Tella
824. Treva
825. Vinia
826. Vollie
Some surprising eliminations! There are plenty of names here I liked a lot personally, but I'm sure there are some you did, too! However, another 758 names did pass the seven-vote finish line, and there were some genuine surprises there, too. Which names do you wish made it? Personally, these are the names I wish received more votes or just thought were cool or deserved more respect: Fidelia, Oline, Sylvania, Shellie, Clyda, Savilla, Arvilla, Netta, Lavada, Roxy, Roxie, Ardella, Florine, Lorene, Albertina, Bernadine, Helga, Electa, Parthenia, Lovina, Honora, Nena, Aletha, Lollie, Emelie, Nealie, Izora, Nelia, Margarita, Maybell, Dee, Alvena, Etna, Juana, Maymie, Albertine, Dottie, Nita, Margaretta, Dessa, Gena, Clora, Tempie, Arminta, Theresia, Paralee, Viva, Leatha, Letha, Wilda, Zetta, Loula, Malvina, Clella, Orlena, Naoma, Donia, Gracia, Alta, Idella, Lacy, Angelita, Cleora, Belvia, Permelia, Zita, Missie, Crystal, Arline, Thekla, Zillah, Trudie, Maida, Antha, Narcissus, Vira, Tracy, Signe, Macie, Sabra, Yetta, Katharina, Jodie, Elfrieda, Allene, Mahala, Tommie, Connie, Myrta, Patsy, Erna, Vada, Reba, Mellie, Bella, Tessie, Muriel, Donna, Tina, Leta, Doris, Pansy, Nan, Ernestine, Charity, Velma, Lona, Angie, Lyda, Elnora, Gertie, Fanny, Carolyn, Nelle, Sue, Flossie, Abbie, Lelia, Verna, Dollie, Rena, Bettie, Lou, Ina, Addie, Susie, Sallie, Lizzie, Nettie, Fannie, Jessie, Mattie, Edna..... and Bertha, lol.
Edit: And Theo, China, Verona, Libby, Manuelita, and Berenice, too! I'll stick my neck out for Edna and Bertha, but while I respect it, I will not endorse Dorcas, lmao.
Edit 2: Darthula is also a hilarious find. Is it pronounced like Ursula?
This message was edited 12/26/2024, 3:29 PM
I'm sorry, but most (not all) of these names dropped because either they're nicknames, variant spellings, or because... they're just not that nice to the modern ear. I think a lot of these are, frankly, not naming names, pretty horrible.
That said, I don't mind:
Leta / Lita
That said, I don't mind:
Leta / Lita
You know Carcosa?
Jk jk, but yeah I would agree that many, if not most of these are terrible- I also just think people might be being a smidge silly when they act like "Lynda" is some kind of hideous abomination of a name- I mean, Hortense and Ethyl made the cut, lmao. Anyway, I wasn't making a blanket defense of these names, I find them to be of historical interest. The voters have spoken already.
Jk jk, but yeah I would agree that many, if not most of these are terrible- I also just think people might be being a smidge silly when they act like "Lynda" is some kind of hideous abomination of a name- I mean, Hortense and Ethyl made the cut, lmao. Anyway, I wasn't making a blanket defense of these names, I find them to be of historical interest. The voters have spoken already.
Thanks for compiling this list! I'm fascinated by the "-ie" fad of yore.
These are my favorites:
Nettie (as a NN)
Sallie (as a NN)
Nannie (as a NN)
Essie (as a NN)
Bertie (as a NN)
Dollie (as a NN)
Hettie (as a NN)
Lettie (as a NN)
Fanny (as a NN)
Gertie (as a NN)
Nan (as a NN)
Ettie (as a NN)
Tessie (as a nN)
Eddie (as a NN)
Kizzie (as a NN)
Sula (as a NN)
Margaretta (prefer Margareta)
Dottie (as a NN)
Nonie (as a NN)
Lollie (as a NN)
Elvie (as a NN)
Florrie (as a NN)
Zilpha (prefer Zilpah)
Hetty (as a NN)
Flo (as a NN)
Nelly (as a NN)
Rosy (as a NN)
Freddie (as a NN)
Elfie (as a NN)
Lalla (as a NN)
Eppie (as a NN)
Archie (as a NN)
Elfreda (prefer Elfrida/Elfriede)
These are my favorites:
Nettie (as a NN)
Sallie (as a NN)
Nannie (as a NN)
Essie (as a NN)
Bertie (as a NN)
Dollie (as a NN)
Hettie (as a NN)
Lettie (as a NN)
Fanny (as a NN)
Gertie (as a NN)
Nan (as a NN)
Ettie (as a NN)
Tessie (as a nN)
Eddie (as a NN)
Kizzie (as a NN)
Sula (as a NN)
Margaretta (prefer Margareta)
Dottie (as a NN)
Nonie (as a NN)
Lollie (as a NN)
Elvie (as a NN)
Florrie (as a NN)
Zilpha (prefer Zilpah)
Hetty (as a NN)
Flo (as a NN)
Nelly (as a NN)
Rosy (as a NN)
Freddie (as a NN)
Elfie (as a NN)
Lalla (as a NN)
Eppie (as a NN)
Archie (as a NN)
Elfreda (prefer Elfrida/Elfriede)
I saw a few family names amongst these—Fannye, Queen, Mahala, Ferne (sister to Fannye), Charity, Sammie (who went by Sammie Jean), Louanna, Charity, and Medie (named after her father).
I agree with TMyers that a lot of them look like alternatives or misspellings.
I agree with TMyers that a lot of them look like alternatives or misspellings.
This message was edited 12/28/2024, 7:59 AM
How did you even compile a list of 826 names? Did you write them all down on paper first?
I didn't compile it, it's from here- Popularity section, United States, By Decade, 1880-1889
Holy shit. What a chamber of horrors. After all that, I hope you had a hot shower and a box of wonderful chocolates! I greatly respect your diligence, but it's really too long a list to make much sense of. I'm surprised at the many ways of spelling Margaret and Harriet. Generally, names ending in -y do better than names ending in -ie. I was at school with an Arline: her actual given names, for family reasons, are Alice Marsephine, and for the same family reasons, a cousin born a few years after her on a farm across the valley was also named Alice Marsephine, and when my friend heard this, she wanted to be different and invented Arline for herself. Her cousin is always called Marzie, so she needn't have bothered!
Names I like/are okey:
Albertha, Aletha, Alvena, Arlene, Arvilla, Carolyn, Cathrine, Edna, Elda,
Elfrieda, Ellena, Eulah, Grayce, Helga, Hellen, Honora, Ivah, Izora, Katheryn,
Kathrine, Kathryne, Leatha, Letha, Madora, Rosena, Savilla, Shellie, Verda, Verna.
Names I'm surprised got eliminated:
Anotenette, Elizebeth, Ellena, Grayce, Luvenia, Pheobe, Sidney, Sylvania.
I know there can be unusal spellings and that's a turn off, but I would bet on these to get more votes(?).
Flossie and Floss are silly.
Albertha, Aletha, Alvena, Arlene, Arvilla, Carolyn, Cathrine, Edna, Elda,
Elfrieda, Ellena, Eulah, Grayce, Helga, Hellen, Honora, Ivah, Izora, Katheryn,
Kathrine, Kathryne, Leatha, Letha, Madora, Rosena, Savilla, Shellie, Verda, Verna.
Names I'm surprised got eliminated:
Anotenette, Elizebeth, Ellena, Grayce, Luvenia, Pheobe, Sidney, Sylvania.
I know there can be unusal spellings and that's a turn off, but I would bet on these to get more votes(?).
Flossie and Floss are silly.
A lot of these names look like nicknames or strange misspellings.
There are just too many names to look through for me to pick out the ones I like.
There are just too many names to look through for me to pick out the ones I like.