Re: Daphne Dinah or Delilah
by Obetsy (guest)
7/26/2024, 9:43 AM
Esther is the only Big character name I like for girls but I don't like that it is just myrtle tree. I also dislike that it was her babylonian name not her actual name. I would consider Haddasah as a name not sure what middle names I would select we have done family names as middle names. We were going to name my son Chloe if he was a girl but I had a friend name her daughter basically the same name we had picked out a month before he was born fn and mn so we had the dilemma of do we find a new name or not. I don't think we would have changed it but we didn't consider it again for my 2nd. I would still like Chloe but we would need to do a new middle name with it so I'm not sure I would find one I prefer over our original choice. I don't really like Joanna but there is enough family names like Johanne Joanne Anne etc I would maybe consider using it. Maybe more in a middle name place. I do kind of like Zipporah and Jacobed (less so than Zipporah) but I don't think I would realistically use either