Re: Name for a character
If you want the story to feel rooted in reality at all, Massima, Andromeda and Belle don't fit the era and culture of the story. Thomasine could work as a full name for Massie, but the others do not work. I suggest doing some research on the naming traditions of the time period, the Puritans had some great ones!


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Re: Name for a character  ·  KayEmAy  ·  6/1/2024, 1:17 PM
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Re: Name for a character  ·  New_Chloë  ·  5/31/2024, 5:52 PM
Re: Name for a character  ·  Major_Paiger  ·  5/31/2024, 6:19 PM
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Re: Name for a character  ·  hello_1234  ·  5/31/2024, 4:54 PM