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Re: My real kids and help for next one please
Alex, Sylvie and:Ben (I really, really like Ben but can't use it as it was my dog's name growing up)
Jon / Jonathan
Rhys / Reese if you must
Raymond "Ray"
Nathan / Nathaniel
Eric / Erik
Anthony / Anton
Leo / Leon
Dominic (Dom or Nick?)
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Yes I love Ben too but can't use it as sure starts with N. (I wouldn't let your dog stop you. My old dog was Joe and I'm considering naming this baby after my dog! He was a good boy).
Miles is cute.
Rowan too common round here but I did love.
Husband likes Luke but I just think it's on the boring side. I know Alex is boring too but he was my first and feel like I can go jazzier for my last haha.
I've never liked Dominic at all. Just sounds like Domino to me. Domino actually nicer!
Max goes well with our surname but there's another one in the family so I don't think I'd use it
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