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What are your opinions on the name Francis for a young man? Is it very dated?
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I know two young guys named Francis, both born mid-90s. One goes by Frankie. It's fine, but I would assume any young person named that was from a Catholic family (same with Frances for a girl).
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I'm far too used to Frances for a girl and since they are pronounced the same, I always a) automatically assume a Francis/Frances to be a girl until proved otherwise & b) automatically assume Francis is a misspelling of Frances.My mind cannot accept a boy named Francis.
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It was more popular in the past than it is now, but I don't think it was ever popular enough to feel dated, if datedness means being associated with a particular decade.I like Francis vry much, but I would never shorten it to Frank.
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Not dated at all. It is quite nice and I think Frank is due for a fresh comeback.
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I agree, although I do prefer Franklin. I've never been a huge fan of names with an -is ending, just as a matter of personal taste.
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It might be dated, but it’s “hip” dated. Like Henry, an “old man” name being revived. Especially with nn Frankie.
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Of course I say that, and then go look at the statistics and see it’s going down in use again. I think my perception tells you something, though. It is used by “hip” families in my preschool world...It may be that some who would use it are not looking for association with the Catholic Church.
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