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What would you name a set of twins?
Hypothetically, if you had twins, what would their names be? Would you pick your two favorite names regardless of how well they coordinated? Would you consider using names with the same letter or would you avoid same letter names as being too matchy? Secondly, if you had to use a naming theme for your kids, would you use an obvious theme like Tristan and Isolde, or would you use something subtle like obscure archaeologists or famous stamp collectors.
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Outright: I would pick my favorite names but I wouldn't have them the same letter (it's too matchy).For the themes I could only think of girl twin combos:Petunia Constantina Beru
Misty Esperanza Gamora
-- nature and sci-fi character names Marigold Tamora Jolene
Petunia Chie Euphemia
-- floral and favorite author names
Nevaeh Maria-Celeste
Paisley Marie-Soleil
--modern and spacy Moon Theodosia Jane
Raven Phillipa Eliza
--word names and theatre
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Girl / Girl I've always loved Ophelia and Alexandria or Ophelia and Juliet (Shakespeare nerd lol)
Boy / Boy Henry and George or Henry and Riley or George and Riley (CUTE NAMES)
Girl / Boy Henry and Alexandria
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I don't know. I would gave names with same meanings. Maybe I would twins' names by pagan Goddesses (or Gods)Božidara and Dorota (maybe Dorothea)
Bohdanka and Johanka - Both names means gift by God. Johanka in Hebrew and Bohdanka in Slavic languagesCordula and Voršila (Czech version of Ursula) - both names of saints
Věnka and Štěpánka - both names means "crown" - Štěpánka (Stephanie) in Greek and Věnka in CzechAurora and Zora - both names means "dawn"
Milena and Mia - In Slavic languages Milena means "beloved" and Mia means "my".
Maite and MiaZoe and Živa - both names means "alive", "life"
Stella and Hvezdoslava - both names means "star" - Stella in Latin and Italian and Hvezdoslava in Czech and Slovak
Ingrid and Tórgríd - Ingrid means "beloved God Ing" and Tórgríd means "beloved God Thór"Geneviéve and Jenovefa - Jenovefa in Czech and Breton version of Geneviéve
Jindriška and Henrieta - Jindriska is Czech form of Harriet
Clothilda and Mathilda - both names means "warrior"
Kveta and Fleur - Kveta means "flower" in Czech and Slovak
Luda and Sandra - Luda means "man" in Old Czech and Sandra means "man" in Greek

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Without a theme and names I'd really be able to use (not taking other half's opinion into account) they'd beAlba Liadan Ilta and Ione Tamsin Wren
Alba Liadan Ilta and Magnus Luca Valo
Magnus Luca Valo and Runo Somerled OdhranWith themesAlba Tamsin Ilta and Iris Vanamo Saorsa
Alba Liadan Ilta and Magnus Luca Valo
Magnus Luca Valo and Rune Somerled JariThemes - I'd want the children to have a Finnish name and a 'Scottish' name. Magnus is not a Scottish name really, but he's a saint of Orkney, so close enough. Somerled is also an anglicised verision of the Gaelic name Sormhairle. Alba and Magnus are also Latin names, Magnus and Rune (replacing Runo which is Finnish but doesn't sit well with Magnus in the theme) are also Scandinavian names and I like the balance. I also like the double letters of Alba and Iris. Tamsin and Vanamo both are a twist on 'twin'. Vanamo means twin flower, Tamsin is the feminisation of Thomas which means twin. Alba and Saorsa together mean Scotland and Freedom, so I'd love to throw that in, but I don't think I'd use them together in reality as Saorsa is difficult with our surname. But I might have overthought this.
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My favourite names together so...DD & DD: Florence May Rosetta & Magnolia Ann Octavia
DD & DS: Florence May Rosetta & Ryan Eli Isiah
DS & DS: Ryan Eli Isiah & Gabriel Ivan ThomasMine would probably be obvious due to my lack of creativity so perhaps floral, space or biblical themes so...Floral:
DD & DD: Magnolia Ann Octavia and Violet Yumi MarilynSpace:
DD & DD: Aurora May Rosetta and Luna Violet Ann
DD & DS: Aurora May Rosetta & Yuri Eli Isaiah
DS & DS: Yuri Eli Isaiah & Neil Ivan ThomasBiblical
DS & DS: Gabriel Ivan Thomas & Joseph Luke David
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These names aren't my favorites yet I love them paired together.B/G: Asher Thomas and Naomi Susanna (I have to use Thomas here since it means 'twin.' Also, the meanings of Asher ['happy, blessed'] and Naomi ['pleasantness'] are so joyful together!)G/G: Adara Lily and Naomi Susanna (I'm being subtle here -- Susanna means 'lily.')B/B: Asa Gabriel and Asher Thomas (Even though they begin with the same letter, I like how they complement each other.)ETA that I'd probably go the subtle route.

This message was edited 5/22/2017, 9:21 PM

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Cole Emerson\Alexander & Lydia Violet (boy\girl)
Cole Emerson\Alexander & Dean Kristopher (2 boys)
Lydia Violet and possibly Elowen Mara (2 girls) Those would be names I would use for regular siblings anyway (I only want 1 or 2 kids) The sets are written in order from most preferred gender set to least.
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Lydia and Elowen are lovely.
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Thanks! I hope I get to use Lydia especially. Lydia with Lydie\Liddy as a nickname. Love!!
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I'd choose my favourites, because they do work together (I think) and I love them. Pandora Valencia Fae & Caspian Sherlock Walter 'Pandora & Caspian'
Caspian Sherlock Walter & Ptolemy Lysander George 'Caspian & Ptolemy'
Pandora Valencia Fae & Artemis Clio Elizabeth 'Pandora & Artemis'For themes, it depends on how I feel about the names. Two names I love for girls, Marigold & Lavender have an obvious flower theme, but I wouldn't mind using them together if I had to, because I adore both names. Pandora and Artemis are both from Greek mythology, and all the firsts in my twinsets are seven letters long. I'd prefer a more subtle theme, but if I really love the names, I don't care if there is a really obvious connection. I generally try to avoid couples names for siblings (like Tristan & Isolde, Arthur & Guinevere etc.) because I find it kinda weird to have siblings with the names of romantically involved individuals lol.

This message was edited 5/22/2017, 3:49 AM

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I love your names. Caspian, Ptolemy, Pandora, and Artemis each have a fanciful and fun feel. They're somewhat unique yet familiar from history, myth, and literature.Pandora and Artemis is actually a really nice theme. It isn't overboard matching, but the two names compliment each other and look like they belong.
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Thank you :). Artemis is pretty new to the mix, I'm always going back and forth with the second girl name, but I think she fits in so well I couldn't resist.
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Obscure archaeologists, eh? Could be fun. Laura and Indiana?My naming themes are family-and-friends (*ed) plus I-just-like-it! So I'll leave out names I've already used.Twins:Ian* Victor* Conrad (needed a C name)
Hugo Daniel* Keith* (known as Daniel - family tradition = H- name, first but not used; Daniel mn and used)Ian Victor Conrad
Lucy Michele* Elizabeth*Lucy Michele Elizabeth
Jean* Penelope* Ruth (known as Penny) (needed an R initial)
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Indiana and LauraI wasn't being completely serious when I made the archaeologist example, but I would love to meet siblings named Laura and Indiana. They would have the coolest parents ever.
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This is just off of the top of my head:
Ethan Oliver and Isaac Joseph
Luna Margaret and Stella Pearl
Isaac Joseph and Naomi Margaret
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Stella and Luna are cute. They are both celestial but aren't too similar.
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Thanks. It's my favorite twin set.
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I have strong feelings about this.I would pick things only if they coordinated. Couldn't handle siblings named Clover and Nikolai. Yuck.My family took in twins named Lily and Laila and I HATE cutesy twin names so I would NEVER do that. Ugh.
Besides that, I used to work with a lady who had children named Tatiana, Briana, and Vriana. She made up something stupid because she thought it went with her other kids' names. Disgusting.I wouldn't name my children names that were too obvious in theme. And I would NEVER name siblings the names of famous lovers. How absolutely creepy. No one would name their twins Romeo and Juliet because Romeo and Juliet are lovers, not siblings and nothing said, "gross"and "judge my children" like adding in a huge dose of incest.
If I used a theme, something subtle would be best. Mostly, I think I would just choose names that went fine together.
Natalia Viviana
Sebastian Evgeniy G/G:
Natalia Daciana
Valentyna Feodosia
"Natasha" and "Valya"B/B:
Sebastian Vitaly Tarquin
Alexander Silvio Caius

This message was edited 5/21/2017, 9:15 PM

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Tatiana, Briana, and Vriana are awful together. There not just matching but rhyming. If she felt compelled to have the last child's name end with 'iana' why not use Mariana or Georgiana. Vriana sounds like a brand of medication. What do you think of Amy and Alice as siblings? It would be creepy to encounter sibling named after famous lovers like Romeo and Juliet or Tristan and Isolde, so perhaps Apollo and Diana would have been a better example of theme names although that would be ostentatious as well as matching. Sebastian Evgeniy and Alexander Silvio Caius are very handsome sounding.

This message was edited 5/21/2017, 9:56 PM

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I have always shuttered at the thought of Vriana having to go through life with that. But Vriana graduated high school with all honors so at least she wasn't letting the name get her down. Poor child.I don't personally care for Amy, but I suppose Amy and Alice are fine as siblings. I wouldn't do it for twins though. Too similar. Everyone would mix them up even more than usual.
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My twins would be named after the top two names I like, just as if I had one singlet birth after another. Generally, my style coordinates so I don't worry about "coordinating" names because its not like I'm going to have a Nevaeh & Jane or Jayden & Michael or something. If I had to use a naming theme for my kids, it would be subtle. I would have names that started with different vowels.
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Hypothetically, I'd want popularity/length to be similar, and I'd probably stick with short FNs for twins. So something like...Isaac and Joseph
Iris and Omar
Irene and MargotBut IRL I might care less about coordinating and just go with my favorites.
If I was picking a theme, I'd probably base it on meaning.
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I would give them the same names that I would give two children who weren't twins.If I went for a theme, which I wouldn't, but if I did, I'd try to keep it subtle.
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Right now I would name them Eden Leonie "Edie" and Willow ChrisandraBodhi Alan and Zephyr Leslie
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Eden and Willow have a very different feel compared to Bodhi and Zephyr although they all seem very organic. Out of curiosity, if your twins were boy/girl what would you call them?
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So many to choose from but today I will go with Bodhi and Willow.
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