Yikes! I did not realise
Poppy was so hated across the pond. It's pretty normal to me (I don't even know one) but I do live in the U.K and I don't and don't know anyone who calls their grandfather Pop or
Poppy, but I guess it's the equivalent of
Nan. I feel like there are far worse names. It fits fine here of course, and it reminds me of the flower and Rememberence Day. It's just another cute flower based name like
Rosie etc. Doesn't seem like it would work in the US though haha.
Fangirl (18) Dreaming of...
✦ Pandora ✦ Evanthe ✦ Marigold ✦ Beatrix ✦ Demelza ✦ Fae ✦ Sally ✦ Lavender ✦ Sybil ✦ Anna ✦
✧ Caspian ✧ Phoenix ✧ Ptolemy ✧ Horatio ✧ Nikolai ✧ Artemus ✧ Indigo ✧ August ✧ Lorenzo ✧ Prosper ✧