I met an Italian girl named this a few years ago. I remember being confused because I also thought that no Italian parents would use it because of the meaning. How common did this ever become in Italy? Just wondering. She was born in the early 90s and there aren't really any official statistics from that time. Was the singer popular back then?
She also had a middle name that wasn't so common in Italy, I guess, her middle name was
Tania. She was definitely born in Italy and has an Italian surname.
I always thought that maybe her full name was
Romina or something which seems to have been used a bit in Italy. But I guess not...? No idea.
I prefer the similar
Mira as a full name.
Mina is missing something. It's okay, nothing wrong with it, but nothing exciting about it either.
Nina, Luna...they are similar but much more vibrant and colorful, in my opinion.