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Re: Aleida
in reply to a message by whim
I'd say uh-LAY-dah (like Leila is LAY-lah for me), but apparently it's ah-LIE-dah. I'm kind of indifferent. The sound is nice enough, but I don't like that it's a short form and I think pronunciation would be a hassle. Adelaide / Adela / Adele are much nicer. Also, it reminds me of the German world alleine (ah-LIE-neh), which means "alone". So not the greatest association.Aleida Corinne
Aleida Mary
Aleida Josephine
Aleida Sophia
Aleida Rosemary
Aleida Rachel
Aleida Wren
Aleida Mercy
Aleida Camille

This message was edited 7/22/2015, 1:30 PM

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I was a bit unsure about it being a diminutive but decided it looks complete to me. My German is awful so alleine wouldn't come to mind. It's not the greatest similar word ever. The combos Aleida Corinne, Aleida Josephine, Aleida Sophia, Aleida Rosemaey, and Aleida Wren all appeal to me. Thanks!
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