What do you think of the name
Acacia (ah-kay-sha) for a girl? I'm looking for something feminine, but not used or heard very often. I'm also looking for a middle name; I've found these but can't decide on one. Any suggestions? Possible last name is Frost.
AmethystApple (My friend really likes them together)
EstelleGarnetHarmonyHelene (not sure on pronounciation, though)
Makai (I saw this on a website and it flows well to me)
PenelopeSapphire (This name keeps growing on me)
SeleneSoleil (Pronounciation?)
If you can think of any others, let me know. I'm looking for something uncommon for the middle name, but I'm open to anything as long as it flows.
Aeon: I know I came here to kill you...
Trevor Goodchild: That's why you're in a cell.