Re: Marieve: your opinions on these French girl names
Marieve- 0- that says "muh-REEVE". Mariève (ma-ree-EHV) is nice, but maybe a little '80s.
Bérengère- 0- I don't think this is attractive at all.
Ombeline- 2- I'm not particularly fond of B name mid-name, but I like the O sound, so the feel is kind of nice. Where are you getting your meanings from?
Aubeline- 2- I feel like this is prettier/more appealing in a general sense than Ombeline, but I don't really care for it either.
Nadège- 7- I like this! I know a few and I think it's a nice name. Kind of dated, but oh well.
Mazarine- 0- it just looks really random. I don't care for it.
Josiane- 6- this is all right. Not my favourite French name by any means, but it's nice. I know a Joannie, and I think that's really sweet, too.
Argider- 0- oh god, please don't use a Basque boy name on a girl :o/ but yes, G in Basque is hard (like Gipuzkoa, the province) and Argider is pronounced "arg-ee-dehr" (with a hard G).
If you like the sound of this, what about:
Eider, Enara, Idoia, Iraide, Ikerne, Edurne or Itziar (I work with an Ixiar, and I've grown to like that pronunciation a lot, too)