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I've loved Elsa and Elsie for decades. Literally. It's been a mystery to me why it hasn't become more popular with the rise of old fashioned names, and names with an "el" sound in them. Elsa is musical, elegant but still friendly, not complicated. I see no down-side to the name. It's a top tenner for me, especially with the nn Elsie.Elsa Catherine
Elsa Meadow
Elsa Linden
Elsa Juniper
Elsa Margaret / Marjorie / Margot
Elsa Jane
Elsa Coral / Coralie
Elsa Julie
Elsa Mary / Marianne / Marion / Maureen
Elsa Bryony
Elsa Freedom
Elsa Liv
Elsa Josephine
Elsa Madeleine
Elsa Winter
Elsa Caroline / Charlotte (although I worry about the "s" and "sh" sounds in Elsa Charlotte)
Elsa Bridget
Elsa Nightingale
Elsa Ruby
Elsa Clementine
Elsa Holly
Elsa Guinevere
Elsa Daphne
Elsa Frederica / Fredrika
Elsa Diane
Elsa Georgine
Elsa Rosalind / Rosamund
Elsa Beatrix
Elsa GwynethI could go on and on. Thanks for rechargin my batteries. :-)

This message was edited 9/28/2011, 10:46 AM

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I'm in love with some of these combos! Especially Elsa Clementine, Elsa Caroline, Elsa Daphne, Elsa Josephine, Elsa Bryony, Elsa Meadow and my absolute favorite Elsa Winter! :)
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Yay!I forgot one: Elsa Violet.
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