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Olympia, Octavia, Dulcinea, or Theodora?
Which one is your favorite and why? What nickname would you pair with it?
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Hmm...either Octavia or Dulcinea. Dulcinea (Dulcie) because it's rare, and Octavia because of its power. No nickname for Octavia, but if required I suppose Tavia is fine.
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I wouldn't use any of them, but Dulcinea is probably the one I'd most like to see. Dulcie is very sweet.
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I like Olympia and Octavia, but for everyday usage I'd have to go with Octavia. I love Tavia as a nickname.
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Dulcinea is my favorite because of the ultra-adorable nn Dulcie. It's a case of the tail wagging the dog for me, I'm afraid. Dulcinea is beautiful. But it's the thought of nn Dulcie that really thrills, for me.Olympia comes next, because it's so underappreciated. Nn Lily-O.Octavia comes third. You've got to love a name that has the guts to start with "Oct-." Love, love, love Octavia. Nn Tavie.Theodora then brings up the rear. But she's just as much a stunner as the others. But she feels more main stream, so I'm drawn more to the others. Nn Theda, as in Theda Bara -- zing! Vampy, silent movie references are always a plus, don't you think?
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If I had to pick it would be Theodora nn Thea. I really dislike Olympia. I met a baby with the name two years ago and all I could think was, what a mouthful. And there are NO nicknames for it. Ollie? Limpy?!! I guess Pia would work actually-that's cute.
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Octavia is the most beautiful one. Olympia and Theodora are very common in Greece (esp. Theodora) and I don't like them very much... Dulcinea reminds me of Don Quixote...Nicknames: I don't really like nicknames but I guess you could use Tavi or Ava
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I've liked Theodora for years, so that's the one I'd choose. Olympia and Octavia are pretty too, and while I do think that Dulcinea sounds pretty, it's a bit too frilly for me. I'd still be thrilled to meet a Dulcinea though.As far as MNs go, I like:
Theodora Ceridwen - It's long, I know, but both names are lovely.
Theodora Simone
Theodora Camille
Theodora MaeveI like Thea as a nickname for Theodora.
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Octavia. Olympia is too "Olympic" for me, Dulcinea is too sweet (ironically), and if I were to use Theodore/Theodora (which is highly possible) Theodore would win hands down. Tavie (tay-vee) or Tavia (tay-vee-ah) would be my choice for a nickname.
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I like Theodora nn Thea.
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Theodora! It's sophisticated and pretty. I wouldn't use any nickname.
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Easy one!
Theodora.Dulcinea reminds me of duracell and Olympia is too much antic greek. Octavia is nice too, but Theodora is lovely. I wouldn't use a nickname for it, but if you realla want one, I'd go with Thea or Theia
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Theodora followed very closely by Octavia. Both are lovely, strong, unusual yet not too over the top for a little girl these days IMO. Dulcinea is a bit sickly sweet, cutesy and too elaborate. Olympia is a really big and slightly clunky name that not many could pull off. That being said, I wouldn't mind meeting a young Dulcinea or Olympia...I think the name nerd in me would absolutely swoon.I would call Theodora "Dot" or "Dotty" depending on my mood and her age. Octavia would be Tavey, Via or Vee
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Out of those 4, I would pick Olympia. It is the "prettiest" sounding to me and I tend to go for the "pretty" sounds.NN could be Pia...
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Olympia or Octavia, I'm not sure which. Both remind me of classical mythology.
Olympia- Olympe, Lympia, Pia
Octavia- Tavi, Tavia, Octopus (jk) :P
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I think I'd go with Dulcinea, nn Dulcie, because that is just hella cute.I like Dulcinea a great deal, it makes me think of obscure musical instruments, like harpsichords or pianofortes, in pretty parlours.
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Theodora is cute, w/ nns Thea, Dora, Teddy, or Dot
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Octavia, for sure. It's in my top ten for girls.I just think it's the most beautiful of the four (which are all great).Tavie is my favorite nickname for it.
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