by Algernon (guest)
2/15/2010, 5:46 PM
King is an overhyped plastic god of a character, exaggerated into perfection by the ignorant and gullible. Essentially all that he did was capitalize on white guilt and use racial inequality for profit. Neither his PhD nor his position as a minister can retroactively be considered valid- due to the way in which more than half of his works including "Stride towards Freedom," "The Place of Reason and Experience in Finding God," are almost completely plagiarized as ruled by both Boston University and Crozer Theological Seminary. What he did was cheat his way into a PhD to further his political agenda, as it would doubtless give him the appearance of an education, and make him dissimilar from the blacks he would then proceed to use. Documents provided by the FBI prove that King was using funding from the SCLC to hire prostitutes, which I do not see as being a very significant contribution to any form of civil rights, and clearly indicate that he was taking advantage of his position. I claim that his speeches were notorious because they were- everywhere he went violence followed, regardless of the pretense of peaceful resistance; It is clear that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 would have been passed anyways, as racial discrimination was undeniably unconstitutional, and so the only thing that Mr. King effectively did was use the situation to his personal advantage. I'm fairly certain that you, in your ignorant bliss will disregard this entirely, choosing your rose coloured perspective concocted for your pleasure by racial supremacists and bigots who choose to eschew historical fact for the delights of fiction, so I think I'll leave you to the comfort of your fabricated worldview as only an imbecile would deny reality to such an extent and only such an imbecile would fail to see reason. Repost when you learn how to use quotation marks and caps lock.