Re: I dunno
It would bother me to see those names on girls too. But at least you have the legitimate argument of a gender-neutral meaning. There's nothing gender-neutral about a name meaning son of someone though. So those names in particular bother me to see on girls.
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Daria or Madison  ·  MermaidGoddess25  ·  9/17/2008, 9:41 AM
Daria..  ·  Andromache  ·  9/18/2008, 9:56 AM
Re: Daria or Madison  ·  bananarama  ·  9/17/2008, 1:32 PM
Daria, though i prefer Madison (m)  ·  xxlaurasxx  ·  9/17/2008, 12:56 PM
Re: Daria or Madison  ·  Murasaki  ·  9/17/2008, 11:14 AM
Darya nt  ·  Talia  ·  9/17/2008, 10:23 AM
Daria (m)  ·  xPrincess27x  ·  9/17/2008, 10:05 AM
Thank you  ·  The LP  ·  9/17/2008, 1:07 PM
Quite true (m)  ·  Llewella  ·  9/17/2008, 10:10 AM
but...  ·  Lily8  ·  9/17/2008, 10:15 AM
That's because...  ·  Llewella  ·  9/17/2008, 12:19 PM
I dunno  ·  Tippins  ·  9/17/2008, 3:02 PM
Re: I dunno  ·  Llewella  ·  9/17/2008, 7:43 PM
Re: Darya or Madison  ·  Lily8  ·  9/17/2008, 10:00 AM
Darya. nt  ·  Mireio  ·  9/17/2008, 9:44 AM
Big ditto. nt  ·  Schezar  ·  9/17/2008, 9:50 AM
tritto nt  ·  Rachel Dianne  ·  9/17/2008, 9:51 AM