BA's from the Netherlands
I added siblings and when I thaught it was necessary the pronunciation.
Merlijn Maxime MER-lien
Mieke (Geert and Dirk) MEE-kuh, KHAYRT
Pelle (Timme) PEHL-luh, TIM-muh
Lieke LEE-kuh
Feline (Thijs) TIES
Olivier Henry Matthias O-lee-veer
Niek Adrianus Fransiscus (Floor) NEEK
Sophie (Thijs & Mare) TIES, MAH-ruh
Daan (Pepijn) DAHN, Puh-PIEN
Suus (Daan) SUYS
Isa EE-sa
Jurre (Ward) YUR-ruh
Vince (Iza)
Nard (Lars)
Isis (Wes)
Yannick (Lennard)
Fenne & Linne FEN-nuh, LIN-nuh
Boet (Ixxi) BOOT
Ninthe (Sven) NIN-tuh
Roan (Lisa & Veerle) RO-an, VAYR-luh
Kyra (Mika)
Jildou (Riemer) kind of like YIL-do, REE-mer
Aline Bibi (Heintje) HIEN-tjuh
Saskia Josephine (Joost & Marijke)
Amber Georgina Marilou (Lara)
Arthur Gijs Leonard (Philippine & Eloïse) AR-tur KHIES
Merlijn Maxime MER-lien
Mieke (Geert and Dirk) MEE-kuh, KHAYRT
Pelle (Timme) PEHL-luh, TIM-muh
Lieke LEE-kuh
Feline (Thijs) TIES
Olivier Henry Matthias O-lee-veer
Niek Adrianus Fransiscus (Floor) NEEK
Sophie (Thijs & Mare) TIES, MAH-ruh
Daan (Pepijn) DAHN, Puh-PIEN
Suus (Daan) SUYS
Isa EE-sa
Jurre (Ward) YUR-ruh
Vince (Iza)
Nard (Lars)
Isis (Wes)
Yannick (Lennard)
Fenne & Linne FEN-nuh, LIN-nuh
Boet (Ixxi) BOOT
Ninthe (Sven) NIN-tuh
Roan (Lisa & Veerle) RO-an, VAYR-luh
Kyra (Mika)
Jildou (Riemer) kind of like YIL-do, REE-mer
Aline Bibi (Heintje) HIEN-tjuh
Saskia Josephine (Joost & Marijke)
Amber Georgina Marilou (Lara)
Arthur Gijs Leonard (Philippine & Eloïse) AR-tur KHIES
I love:
Maxime, Lieke, Thijs, "Olivier Henry Matthias," "Adrianus Franciscus," Sophie, Isa, Vince, Lars, Sven, Aline, Heintje, "Saskia Josephine," Marijke, Georgina, Lara, "Arthur Gijs," Philippine, Eloise.
I'm adding Adrianus, Franciscus and Philippine to my long list. Thanks!
Thanks for the pronunciation guide. Dutch names kind of scare me sometimes. :-o
Maxime, Lieke, Thijs, "Olivier Henry Matthias," "Adrianus Franciscus," Sophie, Isa, Vince, Lars, Sven, Aline, Heintje, "Saskia Josephine," Marijke, Georgina, Lara, "Arthur Gijs," Philippine, Eloise.
I'm adding Adrianus, Franciscus and Philippine to my long list. Thanks!
Thanks for the pronunciation guide. Dutch names kind of scare me sometimes. :-o