That's definitely exciting. I like all four names, and I'm glad she picked them for the right reasons.
My main problem is using
Beowulf as a fn. I have nothing against her choice of it, but it will stick out undoubtably and although she likes it, her son may regret it later on. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for using literary names- this is coming from the person who wants to name her daughters
Idril, and Luthien.
She could amend it to:
Xavier BeowulfLux Amadeus, or
Xavier BeowulfLux Amedea-
Amadeus on a girl doesn't faze me terribly as a Mozart fanatic, but it doesn't hurt to consider alternatives.
Lux is perfect, by the way.
Even if she can't bear to change it, the set is amazing. I'm so glad they won't be
Aiden and
McKenzie or anything in that style!