by Dot (Spider from Mars)
3/7/2008, 3:16 PM
1) Katie. I always want to pronounce Katy KAT-ee not KAY-tee.
2) It sounds very young, but is a nice nickname for a young girl called Katherine (or one of its variants, Katharina, Kathleen/Caitín, etc). I vastly prefer Kate, but it doesn't always work for very young children- I mostly call my three year old cousin Kate, but slip into calling her Katie.
If you mean as a full name- it's positively dreadful as a full name. Not only is it a nickname (some of those, like Jeanette, I can accept and even like as given names, they've come into their own as given names, at least here), but it's a cutesy sounding nickname. Any nickname ending with the -ie diminuitive sounds dreadfully childish. I couldn't imagine applying for a job (and goodness, I'm planning to be an actor, what if she wants to be a doctor or somesuch?) and writing Katie Lastname on my resumé! Nor could I imagine introducing myself to people as Katie once I'd passed the age of twelve or so. My friend Maisie has even taken on a formal name for mock trial- she introduces herself to judges as Margaret, though her full legal name is Maisie. Even in that forum- a high school forum- a nickname feels inappropriate. I'm not sure how she'll call herself when she's really a lawyer, or whatever she winds up being.
In short, consider one of these forms of Katherine, with the nn Katie (grouped by pronounciation, sorry if that's confusing, but there are so many!):
Caitlín (not 'kate-lynn'), Cathleen, Kathleen
Caitríona, Caitrìona, Catriona, Katriona
Catarina, Caterina, Catharina, Catherina, Katariina, Katarina, Katarína, Katarine, Katerina, Kateryna, Katharina
Catherine, Katharine, Katherine
Cathrin, Catherine, Catrine, Catrin, Kathrin, Katrien, Katrijn, Katrin, Katrine
Ecaterina, Ekaterina, Jekaterina, Yekaterina
Catrina, Katriina, Katrina, Kotryna
Katarzyna (kah-tah-ZHI-na)
Katelijn (kah-tuh-LIEN), Katelijne (kah-tuh-LIE-nuh)
If nothing else, consider going with Kate. It's just as clearly a nickname, but at least it's a mature nickname.
3) I suppose I'd try to pair it with something that would give it more weight, like...
Katie Benedicta
Katie Augusta
Katie Gwendolen
Katie Georgia
Katie Bernadette
Katie Beatrice
Katie Barbara
Katie Edith
Katie Frances
Katie Francesca
Katie Wilhelmina
Katie Ingrid
Katie Louisa
Katie Magdalene
Katie Margaret
Or, if you're a huge fan of Gone With the Wind, Katie Scarlett. (I don't really recommend that, haha.)