worse and worse (m)
Anal: I can only hold out a dim hope that they're foreigners who pronounce this differently than you'd first think. And that they don't stay here long, for little Anal's sake.Brightyn Joy: She is always complaining and whining.Chantilly Grace: Because Lace was just too uncool.Coliopi Sue: They probably really can't spell calliope. Coliopi looks like some weird sea creature. Probably one that stings.Dallas Dakota Ann: Many Americans can't find between Texas and the North Dakota ona map because in the Iraq...Hinkley Drew: "Hinkley drew a bead on Regan and fired, hitting his target..."Joy Nadine: This is nice.Luscious Bleu: I think I got her at Rita's Italian Ice last summer. Or else I saw her in a porno magazine on the top shelf at the store.Merry Denise: She always wears a frown.Rose Holly: Both names are very pretty, but together they're just a bit too prickly.Silver Maurice: New French luxury car?Swazie Jade: Sounds like the beginning of a silly rhyme.Willow Vail: A new subdivision?Ellery Starr: Destined to be called Celery at least ten times.Tylor Kenedee: They'd've named it the exact same thing if he was a boy.Acelyen Divine: Acetylene Divine.Kensington Adelaide: Visit Australia much?Dewie Kate: Do we, Kate? I dunno. Sounds like Kate is sweaty.Boston Faith: Some new sitcom about hijinks ina Boston monastery.Wraylee Ann: It's wraylee wraylee Ann!Prairie Oviatt: I'm afraid to ask... what's an oviatt?Trystin: See all them hookers and their fancy men trystin' and trickin' in the parking lot.Timber Pleasance: She loves wood.. tempt me not!Stiletto Heaven: If this is not a whore's name I don't know what is.Clover: Valerie has a little stuffed cow named Clover.Satynn Paisley: Very tacky upholstery.Haizlei Jaide: Brought to you by the letter I.Tawny Laura: She works the parking lots with Stiletto Heaven. They call her that because they work with another Laura who has black hair.Kaejhan Marie: Wouldn't know a Cajun if they fell over him.America Monzerrath: See Dallas Dakota ANn.Tracer Jewel: Somebody stole her jewel! The detective will tracer jewel.Harley Bo: Yee Haw!Rocky Dean: Whoooo-eee!Bronco Lane: Yippee-tai-yai-yooo!Cougar Craig: Aside form being just dumb, it sounds like a mouthful of gravel. And a cougar is a middle-aged woman trying to pick young guys.Stone Ryder: I think he was posing with Luscious Blue.Trail Denton: And see where he winds up.Skylin Christopher Jadin: At least he has Christopher.Titan Slade; Still sucks his thumb at ten and wets the bed til he's thirty.Rio Grant: Two thirds of a pun is PU.Packer Kalyn: Becomes a rabid Bears fan.Krue Steven: Screw Steven.Pirate Russell: No, I don't think pirates rustle the way cattle thieves do. I think to be very correct his name should be Pirate Plunder.Casanova Hamani: Sounds like some rich pastry.Tiger Chase: And his brothe rBear Hunt.Ranger Gage: Ted Nugent, I got one for you! Do I ever!Saber Damian: Watch this family. He will be a slasher.Maximum Justice Sting: What you'll get if you step ona yellow jacket's nest. Which is still not near enough for this kid's parents.Captain Jack: I think there's a bar around here called this. No, Phillip says it's Calico Jack. Same difference.Jagure George: At least COugar Craig was spelled right.Justice Marshall: Justice Marshall Law.Justice Thomas: Nice. How about Justice Ginsberg or Justice Roberts?Marlynn Ray: I like Marlon, but this spelling looks like a woman.Misi Jones: The Devil in Misi Jones. ("The Devil in Miss Jones" was a very famous old adult movie, and actually quite good as adult movies go.)Odey Don: Garfield goes Mafia!Race Donovan: But you'll lose.Tanzie Syrus: What the hell kind of name for a boy is Tanzie?! Pansy, more like.Trinity Alyx: Another Playmate name.
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Random BA's  ·  Sabrina Fair  ·  11/17/2007, 8:36 AM
Re: Random BA's  ·  August Rose  ·  11/18/2007, 11:11 AM
Lesson 1: Misspelling a name doesn't make it feminine!  ·  Mar  ·  11/18/2007, 4:40 AM
oh wow...  ·  brydz  ·  11/18/2007, 3:15 AM
clarification on anal  ·  brydz  ·  11/18/2007, 3:17 AM
LOL  ·  Mar  ·  11/18/2007, 4:05 AM
Re: Random BA's  ·  blaaarg  ·  11/17/2007, 8:34 PM
worse and worse (m)  ·  RoxStar  ·  11/17/2007, 7:36 PM
LOL, as always! (nt)  ·  Kate  ·  11/17/2007, 10:59 PM
Re: Random BA's  ·  mum2bubba  ·  11/17/2007, 3:14 PM
Re: Random BA's  ·  Isla  ·  11/17/2007, 11:30 AM
Re: Random BA's  ·  Saana  ·  11/17/2007, 9:54 AM
Re: Random BA's  ·  Emilie  ·  11/17/2007, 9:12 AM
I'd Use  ·  Sabrina Fair  ·  11/17/2007, 9:05 AM
Re: Random BA's  ·  enlatiah  ·  11/17/2007, 8:56 AM