I'm sorry to say I have a dirty mind.
I see Golden, and while I do first thing of pretty things, I then think of...not so pretty things. Namely sexual kinks, and I'll leave it at that.I'd really like to like it, but I can't get past the connections my mind makes. :-/Array
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Golden?  ·  Cassandra113  ·  10/5/2007, 4:57 AM
Goldne Brooks sounds like...  ·  RoxStar  ·  10/5/2007, 8:28 AM
Re: Goldne Brooks sounds like...  ·  Isla  ·  10/5/2007, 1:29 PM
I'm sorry to say I have a dirty mind.  ·  Array  ·  10/5/2007, 7:30 AM
Re: I'm sorry to say I have a dirty mind.  ·  LMS  ·  10/5/2007, 12:45 PM
Re: I'm sorry to say I have a dirty mind.  ·  Cassandra113  ·  10/5/2007, 5:23 PM
LOL  ·  Cambria  ·  10/5/2007, 8:12 AM
Golden...retriever. Golden...rod.  ·  Cambria  ·  10/5/2007, 7:14 AM
Re: Golden?  ·  Murasaki  ·  10/5/2007, 6:06 AM
Re: Golden?  ·  CN  ·  10/5/2007, 5:53 AM