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I've created some new Scots Gaelic names.
I've formed some of these names from scratch (and Gaelic words)... and I apologize to the gentlemen, for I've been preoccupied with names for the ladies, and my list is undergoing changes:Ainmichean Albannacha Nuadh.
Fearail (masculine):Bàndubhar: (BAHN-doo-ar) m. “White shadow” (bàn: white, fair; dubhar: shadow)Ceadachas: (KED-akh-as) m. “Tolerance”Coillmonadh: (KOYL-moan-a) m. “Forest of the hills” (coille: forest; monadh: hill, moor)Diamùirneach: (JEE-a-moor-nyakh) m. “Beloved god” (dia: god; mùirneach: beloved)Ealamhan: (EL-av-an) m. “Little swift one” (ealamh: swift)Fiadhan: (FEE-an) m. “Little deer” (fiadh: deer)Filidhean: (FEE-lyan) m. “Little poet”Fionneach: (FYOON-akh) m. “White horse” (fionn: fair; each: horse)Gràidhean: (GRAI-an) m. “Sweetheart, beloved” (gràdh: love)Ionmhainn: (In-van) m. “Beloved, dear”Madadhruadh: (MA-da-roo-a) m. “Fox” (madadh: dog; ruadh: red)Mìnaodann: (MEEN-eu-dan) m. “Smooth face” (mìn: smooth; aodann: face)Mòrachadh: (MOR-akh-a) m. “Great field” (mòr: big, great; achadh: field)Mòrtreunach: (MOR-trayn-akh) m. “Great and valiant one” (mòr: great; treun: brave, valiant)Neabhan: (NEV-an) m. “RavenOnorach: (ON-or-akh) m. “Honorable” (onor: honor)Òrdan: (OR-dan) m. “Dignity, solemnity”Pailteas: (PAL-chas) m “Abundance”Saighdear: (SAI-jar) m. “Soldier”Sàimhean: (SAHV-an) m. “Little quiet one” (sàmh: calm, quiet)Sìormòrair: (SHEER-mor-ar) m. “Everlasting lord” (sìor: everlasting; mòrair: lord)Slànaighear: (SLAHN-ai-er) m. “Healer, savior”Tonnmearsainn: (TUN-myar-sen) m. “Wave of vigor” (tonn: wave; mearsainn: vigor)Sruthcumhachd: (SROO-coov-akhd) m. “River of dominance” (sruth: river, stream; cumhachd: power)Suiridheach: (SOO-ree-akh) m. “Lover, gallant”Teinean: (CHEN-yan) m. “Little fire” (teine: fire)Treubhach: (TRAY-vakhd) m. “Valiant”Triathan: (TREE-a-han) m. “Little lord” (triath: lord)Uasalan: (WAS-al-an) m. “Little noble one” (uasal: noble)
Beanail (feminine):Àghrian: (AI-ree-an) f. “From the sun” (à: from; grian: sun)Àiarosag: (AI-ar-OS-ak) f. “From the west wind” “Zephrine” (à: from; iar: west; osag: wind: breeze)Ainleag: (AN-lyak) f. “Swallow”Ban-phrionnsa: (BAN-fryoon-sa) f. “Princess” (Ban-phrionnsa: princess... from ban: female, woman; and prionnsa: prince)Bàndubharag, f. Feminine of Bàndubhar.Bàrdachd: (BAHRD-akd) f. “Poetry”Beanmhaiste: (BEN-vash-cha) f. “Decorated lady” (bean: woman, lady; maisichte: decorated)Beannachdmhàthar: (BEN-ackd-mahr) f. “Mother’s blessing” (beannaich: to bless; màthair: mother)Beinncraoibhe: (BEN-crweev-a) f. “Mountain of trees” (beinn: mountain, hill; craobh: tree)Beusachd: (BAY-sakhd) f. “Modesty, Decency”Bileag: (BIL-ak) f. “Petal”Breithmhara: (BRE-var-a) f. “Born of the sea” (breith: birth; muir: sea)Buaidheag: (BWAI-ak) f. “Victory” (buaidh: victory)Buailebhàn: (BWAL-ya-vahn) f. “Fair field” (buaile: field; bàn: fair, white)Buidheag: (BWEE-ak) f. “MarigoldCarasìbhreag: (KAR-a-sheev-rak) f. “Friend of the faeries” (Caraid: friend; sìbhreag: faerie)Ceadachag, f. Feminine of Ceadachas.Ceileireachd: (KE-ler-akhd) f. “Warbling”Ciallachag: (KEE-a-lakh-ak) f. “Little prudent one” (ciallach: bright, prudent)Cinneamhainn: (KIN-ev-an) f. “DestinyCleachdag: (KLAKHD-ag) f. “Tress, ringlet”Cliseag: (KLISH-ak) f. “Clever little one” (clis: clever)Dailfoise: (DAL-foy-sha) f. “Meadow of peace/rest” (dail: meadow; fois: peace)Deàrrsadhcarraig: (JAR-sa-kar-ak) f. “Shining stone” (deàrrs: to shine; carraig: rock, stone)Dìlseachd: (JEEL-shakhd) f. “Constancy”Dìtheanmhara: (JEE-an-var-a) f. “Flower of the sea” (dìthean: flower, daisy; muir: sea)Donnighean: (DON-nee-an) f. “Dark maiden” (donn: sable, brown; nighean: daughter, maiden)Driseag: (JRISH-ag) f. “Little brier” (dris: brier)Eachaoibhne: (EKH-weev-nya) f. “Horse joy/ Horse gaiety” (each: horse; aoibhneas: joy)Ealamhag, f. Feminine of Ealamhan.Eunag-dè: (AY-nak-jay) f. “Butterfly” (eun: bird; dia: god)Fiadhag, f. Feminine of Fiadhan.Filidheag, f. Feminine of Filidhean.Fionncoille: (FYONN-coy-la) f. “Fair forest” (fionn: fair; coille: forest)Flathaileag: (FLA-hel-ak) f. “Little gallant one” (flathail: gallant)Fraochag: (FREUKH-ak) f. “Little heather” (fraoch: heath, heather)Geurstuama: (GAYR- stwama) f. “Intelligent and sober/dignified” (geur: intelligent; stuama: sober)Glanflathail: (GLAHN-flah-al) f. “Pure, noble” (glan: pure; flathail: noble)Glasduilleag: (GLAS-doo-lyak) f. “Green leaf” (glas: green, grey; duilleag: leaf)Gleannraineach: (GLEN-ran-akh) f. “Valley of ferns” (gleann: valley; raineach: fern)Gràidheag, f. Feminine of Gràidhean.Grianreul: (GREE-an-rayl) f. “Sun star” (grian: sun; reul: star)Iseanag: (ISH-an-ak) f. “Little nestling (young bird)” (isean: nestling)Leusghealach: (LAYS-yell-akh) f. “Light of the moon” (Leus: light; gealach: moon)Maisìobhrag: (MA-sheev-rak) f. “Elf beauty” (maise: beauty; sìobhrag: elf)Mìlseachd: (MEEL-shakhd) f. “Sweetness”Mochthrath: (MOKH-ra) f. “Dawn, daybreak”Nàdarrag: (NAH-dar-ak) f. “Humane little one” (nàdarra: natural, humane)Neamhanag, f. Feminine of Neamhan.Neamhnaid: (NEV-naj) f. “PearlÒighdhorcha: (O-yor-kha) f. “Dark maiden” (òigh: maiden; dorcha: dark)Paindeag: (PAN-jak) f. “Pebble”Rìbhinncoille: (REEV-in-koy-la) f. “Maiden of the forest” (rìbhinn: maid, girl, nymph; coille: forest)Rìghinnsuire: (REEN-soor-ya) f. “Lady of the faeries” (ban-rìghinn: queen, lady; suire: nymph, faerie)Rònag: (ROAN-ak) f. “Little seal” (ròn: seal)Ròncara(id): (ROAN-kar-a(j)) f. “Seal friend” (ròn: seal; caraid: friend)Ròsdrise: (ROS-jrish-a) f. “Rose of the brier” (ròs: rose; dris: brier)Rùnag: (ROON-ak) f. “(Little) beloved” (rùn: affection, fondness, secret)Sàimheag, f. Feminine of Sàimhean.Slànaighearag, f. Feminine of SlànaighearSpideag: (SPIJ-ak) f. “Nightingale”Sporag: (SPOR-ak) f. “SparrowTeinebhreith: (CHEN-ya-vray) f. “Fire born” (teine: fire; breith: born)Treubhachd, f. Feminine of Treubhach.Uasalag, f. Feminine of Uasalan.Uiseag: (ISH-ak) f. “Lark, pipit”
Neodrach (neutral):Eidheann: (E-yan) m/f. “IvyLeusgrèine: (LAYS-gray-nya) m/f. “Light of the sun” (leus: light; grèine: of the sun)Reulairgead: (RAYL-ar-gat) m/f. “Star of silver” (reul: star; airgead: silver)
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I've created some new Scots Gaelic names.  ·  gaelruadh19  ·  5/7/2005, 11:03 PM
Re: I've created some new Scots Gaelic names.  ·  gaelruadh19  ·  5/11/2005, 5:20 PM
Never mind  ·  gaelruadh19  ·  5/11/2005, 5:23 PM
Re: More names  ·  gaelruadh19  ·  5/11/2005, 8:12 PM
Re: I've created some new Scots Gaelic names.  ·  Silvie  ·  5/8/2005, 8:10 AM
Re: I've created some new Scots Gaelic names.  ·  Elinor  ·  5/8/2005, 5:35 AM
Re: I've created some new Scots Gaelic names.  ·  gaelruadh19  ·  5/8/2005, 4:34 PM
Re: I've created some new Scots Gaelic names.  ·  Chrisell  ·  5/7/2005, 11:14 PM
Re: I've created some new Scots Gaelic names.  ·  gaelruadh19  ·  5/8/2005, 12:45 AM