Re: I've created some new Scots Gaelic names.
in reply to a message by gaelruadh19
I like . . .
Fearail (masculine):
Coillmonadh: (KOYL-moan-a) m. “Forest of the hills” (coille: forest; monadh: hill, moor) - because I come from a place in the hills called "Glen Forrest"!
Fiadhan: (FEE-an) m. “Little deer” (fiadh: deer)
Filidhean: (FEE-lyan) m. “Little poet”
Fionneach: (FYOON-akh) m. “White horse” (fionn: fair; each: horse)
Gràidhean: (GRAI-an) m. “Sweetheart, beloved” (gràdh: love)
Ionmhainn: (In-van) m. “Beloved, dear”
Mìnaodann: (MEEN-eu-dan) m. “Smooth face” (mìn: smooth; aodann: face)
Neabhan: (NEV-an) m. “Raven”
Òrdan: (OR-dan) m. “Dignity, solemnity”
Sàimhean: (SAHV-an) m. “Little quiet one” (sàmh: calm, quiet)
Teinean: (CHEN-yan) m. “Little fire” (teine: fire)
Uasalan: (WAS-al-an) m. “Little noble one” (uasal: noble)
Beanail (feminine):
Àghrian: (AI-ree-an) f. “From the sun” (à: from; grian: sun)
Buailebhàn: (BWAL-ya-vahn) f. “Fair field” (buaile: field; bàn: fair, white)
Cinneamhainn: (KIN-ev-an) f. “Destiny”
Dailfoise: (DAL-foy-sha) f. “Meadow of peace/rest” (dail: meadow; fois: peace)
Dìtheanmhara: (JEE-an-var-a) f. “Flower of the sea” (dìthean: flower, daisy; muir: sea)
Donnighean: (DON-nee-an) f. “Dark maiden” (donn: sable, brown; nighean: daughter, maiden)
Eachaoibhne: (EKH-weev-nya) f. “Horse joy/ Horse gaiety” (each: horse; aoibhneas: joy)
Fionncoille: (FYONN-coy-la) f. “Fair forest” (fionn: fair; coille: forest)
Grianreul: (GREE-an-rayl) f. “Sun star” (grian: sun; reul: star)
Rìbhinncoille: (REEV-in-koy-la) f. “Maiden of the forest” (rìbhinn: maid, girl, nymph; coille: forest)
Rìghinnsuire: (REEN-soor-ya) f. “Lady of the faeries” (ban-rìghinn: queen, lady; suire: nymph, faerie)
Rònag: (ROAN-ak) f. “Little seal” (ròn: seal)
Ròncara(id): (ROAN-kar-a(j)) f. “Seal friend” (ròn: seal; caraid: friend)
Ròsdrise: (ROS-jrish-a) f. “Rose of the brier” (ròs: rose; dris: brier)
Rùnag: (ROON-ak) f. “(Little) beloved” (rùn: affection, fondness, secret)
Teinebhreith: (CHEN-ya-vray) f. “Fire born” (teine: fire; breith: born)
Neodrach (neutral):
Eidheann: (E-yan) m/f. “Ivy” - really like this!
Leusgrèine: (LAYS-gray-nya) m/f. “Light of the sun” (leus: light; grèine: of the sun) - I like this for a girl
♦ Chrisell ♦
All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us. - J.R.R. Tolkien.
Fearail (masculine):
Coillmonadh: (KOYL-moan-a) m. “Forest of the hills” (coille: forest; monadh: hill, moor) - because I come from a place in the hills called "Glen Forrest"!
Fiadhan: (FEE-an) m. “Little deer” (fiadh: deer)
Filidhean: (FEE-lyan) m. “Little poet”
Fionneach: (FYOON-akh) m. “White horse” (fionn: fair; each: horse)
Gràidhean: (GRAI-an) m. “Sweetheart, beloved” (gràdh: love)
Ionmhainn: (In-van) m. “Beloved, dear”
Mìnaodann: (MEEN-eu-dan) m. “Smooth face” (mìn: smooth; aodann: face)
Neabhan: (NEV-an) m. “Raven”
Òrdan: (OR-dan) m. “Dignity, solemnity”
Sàimhean: (SAHV-an) m. “Little quiet one” (sàmh: calm, quiet)
Teinean: (CHEN-yan) m. “Little fire” (teine: fire)
Uasalan: (WAS-al-an) m. “Little noble one” (uasal: noble)
Beanail (feminine):
Àghrian: (AI-ree-an) f. “From the sun” (à: from; grian: sun)
Buailebhàn: (BWAL-ya-vahn) f. “Fair field” (buaile: field; bàn: fair, white)
Cinneamhainn: (KIN-ev-an) f. “Destiny”
Dailfoise: (DAL-foy-sha) f. “Meadow of peace/rest” (dail: meadow; fois: peace)
Dìtheanmhara: (JEE-an-var-a) f. “Flower of the sea” (dìthean: flower, daisy; muir: sea)
Donnighean: (DON-nee-an) f. “Dark maiden” (donn: sable, brown; nighean: daughter, maiden)
Eachaoibhne: (EKH-weev-nya) f. “Horse joy/ Horse gaiety” (each: horse; aoibhneas: joy)
Fionncoille: (FYONN-coy-la) f. “Fair forest” (fionn: fair; coille: forest)
Grianreul: (GREE-an-rayl) f. “Sun star” (grian: sun; reul: star)
Rìbhinncoille: (REEV-in-koy-la) f. “Maiden of the forest” (rìbhinn: maid, girl, nymph; coille: forest)
Rìghinnsuire: (REEN-soor-ya) f. “Lady of the faeries” (ban-rìghinn: queen, lady; suire: nymph, faerie)
Rònag: (ROAN-ak) f. “Little seal” (ròn: seal)
Ròncara(id): (ROAN-kar-a(j)) f. “Seal friend” (ròn: seal; caraid: friend)
Ròsdrise: (ROS-jrish-a) f. “Rose of the brier” (ròs: rose; dris: brier)
Rùnag: (ROON-ak) f. “(Little) beloved” (rùn: affection, fondness, secret)
Teinebhreith: (CHEN-ya-vray) f. “Fire born” (teine: fire; breith: born)
Neodrach (neutral):
Eidheann: (E-yan) m/f. “Ivy” - really like this!
Leusgrèine: (LAYS-gray-nya) m/f. “Light of the sun” (leus: light; grèine: of the sun) - I like this for a girl
All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us. - J.R.R. Tolkien.
Tapadh leat! Tha mi taingeil gun toil leat iad! Bh'agam ri orra obair beagan, ach tha mi toilichte leòtha, mar a thàinig iad am follais.
(Thank you! I'm greatful that you like them. I had to work on them a bit, but I'm satisfied with them, how they turned out.)
Beannachd leat (Bye (lit. "blessing with thee")),
(Thank you! I'm greatful that you like them. I had to work on them a bit, but I'm satisfied with them, how they turned out.)
Beannachd leat (Bye (lit. "blessing with thee")),