Adoption form 1:
Name: Frida Slaine Perez
Age: 10
Main Heritage: hispanic
Reason for adoption: mother died a few months ago, father is unknown.
Personality: sweet, caring, quiet, smart
Description: darkbrown hair, olive skin, light brown eyes
Type of child: sibling with: Thomas Remigio Perez
Pet(s): none
Adoption form 2:
Name: Thomas Remigio Perez
Age: 6
Main Heritage: hispanic
Reason for adoption: mother died a few months ago, father is unknown.
Personality: quiet, smart, loves to play with Frida
Description: olive skin, black hair, brown eyes
Type of child: sibling with Frida Slaine Perez
Pet(s): none
These two children are siblings so they are considered only one adoption since siblings aren't seperated. Please fill out another adoption form or change them from being siblings to single children. Thanks :)