[Games] Re: Rosethorn08's Adoption/Congrats sign-up
in reply to a message by Rose
Username: estel
DH: Joseph Zechariah "Joe"
DW: Emma Hope
Children: Adelaide Hope "Addy" (8) and Joseph Silas "Joey" (7)
Pets: 1 Greyhound (Stevie), 1 Golden Retreiver (Ruby), and various fish
Place of residence: Ohio, USA
Other comments: Joe is an aircraft engineer, Emma is a part-time Kindergarten teacher. Addy and Joey can't wait for their new siblings. Addy is in third grade, Joey is in second grade.
We do five Adoption forms, right? You didn't specify.
Adoption form: 1
Name: Alexei Anatoliy "Alec"
Age: 10
Main Heritage: Russian
Reason for adoption: Orphaned in Russia and adopted by a family. Adoptive family and older sister then died in a plane crash.
Personality: Very quiet and mistrusting. Expresses himself through art.
Description: White blond hair, dark eyes. A little on the short side, very distressed by the death of his new family.
Type of child: Siblings with Sergei.
Pet(s): none
Adoption form: 1
Name: Sergei Yevgeniy
Age: 8
Main Heritage: Russian
Reason for adoption: Orphaned in Russia and adopted by a family. Adoptive family and older sister then died in a plane crash.
Personality: Very quiet and dependent on his brother. Doesn't have much of a 'personal identity'.
Description: White blond hair, dark eyes. Doesn't verbalize much, but needs a loving family to call his own.
Type of child: Siblings with Alec
Pet(s): none
Adoption form: 2
Name: Michael Benjamin "Mike"
Age: 14
Main Heritage: United States
Reason for adoption: Was found roaming the streets of Chicago.
Personality: A little on the aggressive side. Pretty open about his past and can succeed if he tries.
Description: shoulder-length brown hair, green eyes. Tall and lanky. Likes dark clothes.
Type of child: Single Child
Pet(s): none
Adoption form: 3
Name: Sarah-Jane (no middle name)
Age: 6
Main Heritage: United States
Reason for adoption: Orphan
Personality: very intelligent, likes dancing and is a little whimsical. Very cheery and carefree.
Description: long strawberry-blond hair, light green eyes, is missing a finger on her left hand (but isn't affected by it).
Type of child: Single Child
Pet(s): none
Adoption form: 4
Name: Gianna May
Age: 4
Main Heritage: English
Reason for adoption: 17 year old mother gave her and Annelie up for adoption.
Personality: very adorable and likes to draw and color. Is inseperable from Annelie.
Description: blond hair, blue eyes, likes to wear red and is very bright.
Type of child: Twin to Annelie
Pet(s): none
Adoption form: 4
Name: Annelie June
Age: 4
Main Heritage: English
Reason for adoption: 17 year old mother gave her and Gianna up for adoption.
Personality: loves to sing, dance, and draw. Is inseperable from Gianna. Good with numbers.
Description: blond hair, blue eyes, likes to wear pink and knows how to jump rope.
Type of child: Twin to Gianna
Pet(s): none
(for this one, if 5 siblings aren't allowed just use Hannah)
Adoption form: 5
Name: Hannah Marie Josephine
Age: 11
Main Heritage: English
Reason for adoption: Taken from abusive home, along with her 4 siblings.
Personality: smart and resourceful, doesn't trust adults and has worked as a waitress for three years to buy food for her siblings.
Description: tall for her age, light brown hair, dull green eyes and seems to just be 'going through the motions' of life.
Type of child: Sibling to Angie, Nate, Brianna, and Jonny
Pet(s): none
Adoption form: 5
Name: Angela Harriet Adelaide "Angie"
Age: 10
Main Heritage: English
Reason for adoption: Taken from abusive home, along with her 4 siblings.
Personality: resourceful and cunning, has worked with Hannah for the past year and a half as a waitress. Enjoys books.
Description: tall for her age, light brown hair, brown eyes and is finding out just how much she missed out on as a child.
Type of child: Sibling to Hannah, Nate, Brianna, and Jonny
Pet(s): none
Adoption form: 5
Name: Nathan Joel Christopher "Nate"
Age: 8
Main Heritage: English
Reason for adoption: Taken from abusive home, along with his 4 siblings.
Personality: Timid and quiet, probably endured the most abuse out of all his siblings, fearful and mistrusting
Description: dark brown hair, brown eyes, possibly dyslexic.
Type of child: Sibling to Hannah, Angie, Brianna, and Jonny
Pet(s): none
Adoption form: 5
Name: Brianna Joy Emmelina
Age: 7
Main Heritage: English
Reason for adoption: Taken from abusive home, along with her 4 siblings.
Personality: tends to 'run away' to the backyard or down the street, has some anger issues and doesn't seem to realize that we want to do the best for her..
Description: light brown hair, blue eyes, very quiet and clings to her older sisters
Type of child: Sibling to Hannah, Angie, Nate, and Jonny
Pet(s): none
Adoption form: 5
Name: Jonathan Henry Kent "Jonny"
Age: 5
Main Heritage: English
Reason for adoption: Taken from abusive home, along with his 4 siblings.
Personality: Very fearful and does not verbalize much. Suffers from blindness in his right eye.
Description: dark brown hair, brown eyes, small for his age, not educated.
Type of child: Sibling to Hannah, Angie, Nate, and Brianna
Pet(s): none
My lovely PPs!
!!! Phoenix and Zachary (twins) and Katya
hmmm, I'm almost possitive I said 'like usual filled out five adoption forms' but I could be wrong.... ^_^ and there's nothing wrong with having five siblings I'm just surprised you felt up to filling out so many forms! :D

Eh...well I wasn't going to do that many, but I decided to anyhow. I got on a creative roll.
My lovely PPs!
!!! Phoenix and Zachary (twins) and Katya