Username: Keepskuh
DH: Alex Darren
DW: Elin Hanna
Children: -
Pets: none
Place of residence: Malibu
Adoption form 1:
Name: Frida Slaine Perez
Age: 10
Main Heritage: hispanic
Reason for adoption: mother died a few months ago, father is unknown.
Personality: sweet, caring, quiet, smart
Description: darkbrown hair, olive skin, light brown eyes
Type of child: sibling with: Thomas Remigio Perez
Pet(s): none
Adoption form 2:
Name: Thomas Remigio Perez
Age: 6
Main Heritage: hispanic
Reason for adoption: mother died a few months ago, father is unknown.
Personality: quiet, smart, loves to play with Frida
Description: olive skin, black hair, brown eyes
Type of child: sibling with Frida Slaine Perez
Pet(s): none
Adoption form 3:
Name: Cathy Tatum Leola Marcson
Age: 14
Main Heritage: English
Reason for adoption: parents kicked her out of her house, when Cathy told them she was pregnant.
Personality: sweet, caring, outgoing, loves to play baseball
Description: blond hair, blue eyes, has a tattoo of a butterfly on her wrist.
Type of child: pregnant teen
Pet(s): a cat named Laurie
--for pregnant teens only:
Gender of unborn child(ren): twins, a boy and a girl
Name(s) for unborn child(ren): Ford Evander and Mae Clarissa
Adoption form 4:
Name: Matteo Vittorio Salentino
Age: 3
Main Heritage: Italian
Reason for adoption: his mother can't take of him, due to financial problems, father is unknown.
Personality: outgoing, playful, loves to play with other children
Description: olive skin, brown hair, black eyes.
Type of child: single child
Pet(s): none
Adoption form 5:
Name: Karen Solveig Sondreson
Age: 5
Main Heritage: Norwegian
Reason for adoption: parents died four years ago, she has been in foster care since that.
Personality: smart, sweet, outgoing, playful
Description: brown hair, blue eyes
Type of child: single child
Pet(s): none