I love these games!
For each round, write a diary entry or a letter to your family and friends- whichever suits you best- detailing the events each round discusses. As for answer length, two paragraphs is usually best.
Round One:
You and your spouse were married / commited recently! Discuss how long you've known eachother, what the ceremony was like, one special / funny moment, and what you and your spouse wore.
The two of you have also bought a house / apartment. Where is it? What does it look like? Why did you choose the house / apartment you did?
Round Two:
Two years later:
Congratulations! You are expecting your first child! What was you(r spouse's) pregnancy like? How did everyone react? Was there a baby shower? How was the birth? What is your child's name? What does s/he look like? What is his/her personality like? What does his/her bedroom look like? You or your spouse decide to quit your job to stay home with your child. How do you adjust to that?
Round Three:
Three years later:
You and your spouse decided to adopt children. How many? From what country? What are their names? What do they look like? How old are they? How are they adjusting to their new life?
As you are in the process of adoption, your oldest child is getting ready to be a sister/brother! How is s/he doing? The adoption papers are ready to be finalized when you find out that you(r spouse) is pregnant again! But not with one child, but multiples! How many? What are their names? What do they look like? Is your house large enough for all the new children? If not, time to move again!
Round Four:
Two years later:
Your first biological child, age five, is begging for a pet. What kind of pet? Do you let him/her? If so, what does s/he name it? Does your family have fun with the pet?
How are all your children doing?
An important event happened in your family- what was it? How does the event effect your family?
Unfortunately, a family member or close friend passes away and leaves their children to you and your spouse. Tell us about the children. Are they old enough to cope with the death?
Round Five:
One year later:
Just when you thought you were done with children, you had an urge to adopt again. How many children did you adopt? From where? Tell us about your new child(ren.)
Your house is full to the brim. You have to move! Tell us about the new house! Where is it? Do all your children have their own rooms? Do you share rooms?
Round Six (Summary):
10-20 years later- you choose:
Where's your family at? This can be anywhere from two sentences per person up to a paragraph for each person- you choose!
Hope you had fun!
Arielle NorahEDD 6/4/06

Proud Mommy-to-be!