[Games] Re: Game of Life (all in one)
in reply to a message by Melissa
I will be playing a character named Jennifer Bates "Jen", age twenty-four in the first round.
Since I was little, I've dreamt of a fairy tale wedding- lots of people celebrating, the bride in a white ballgown, the groom in a handsome black suit. And last weekend, I got my fairy tale wedding! Zachary and I were married in a beautiful garden ceremony at four o'clock in the afternoon. My niece Gabriella- she's four years old- was the flower girl. During the ceremony, she marched right up to Zachary and gave him a big kiss! It was very cute.
Zachary and I met eighteen months ago. My best friend threw her husband a surprise party. Zachary was my friend's husband's cousin, and we hit it off at the party!
We bought a house together, a lovely three bedroom house near the river. We hope to fill it up with children soon!
Round Two:
I cannot even begin to tell you my joy when I found out that I was pregnant. Almost immediately after Zachary and I shared our second anniversary, we were staring down at that little pink line. My pregnancy was easy- in fact, besides a little morning sickness in my first trimester, my biggest trouble was finding maternity clothes that would fit over my big belly! However, the labor was awful. I was in labor for nearly fourteen hours before I could begin pushing, and it was another hour before my son was born. But what a reward!
Jude Adair was born on Valentine's Day, weighing nine pounds and four ounces. He had light brown hair and dark eyes, with a tiny nose and a beautiful face. He has a cheerful disposition and loves to cuddle before bedtime! While generally an easy baby, he hates going to sleep at night. We decorated his room in soothing, calm colors like pastel green and yellow to help him but it takes awhile to calm him down at night!
I decided to quit my job as a psychologist to stay home with Jude. While I enjoyed my job, I love staying home with Jude!
Round Three:
Zachary, Jude and I are pleased to welcome the arrival of Irina Galya and Yuliya Marya, Russian sisters we adopted! Irina is five and Yuliya is two. Irina has dark brown curly hair and big blue eyes, while Yuliya has curly light hair and brown eyes. Irina is shy and wants to learn English- she already knows a little. Yuliya is much more outgoing and loves to play pretend. They both are trying to adapt, although it's difficult for them- especially Irina as she was so used to her old life. They both need a family to love them more than anything else.
Jude loves his sisters! He's looking forward to next year, when he and Yuliya will attend the same preschool. Until then, he satisfied with taking care of her!
Surprise! We're expecting triplets! This pregnancy was hard- towards the end of it, I was so large I could barely sit up and was put on bed rest for the last three weeks. I delivered the triplets at thirty-six weeks. Into the world, we welcomed Donovan Sage, Samuel William, and Nicholas Cade. Donovan, Sam, and Cole spent a week in the hospital, and then came home to find a family waiting for them! Everyone loves them! The three of them are as cute as a button, all with dark brown hair and dark brown eyes.
With six kids in a three bedroom house, it was definitely time to move! We moved to a nice house near the schools. Jude and Donovan will share a room, Sam and Cole will share a room, and Irina and Yuliya will share a room.
Round Four:
Jude, now five and in Kindergarten, wants a dog. After some debate, we adopted a Westie named Lulu. Everyone loves her!
Irina is seven and doing very well in school. She struggled with English in Kindergarten but now in second grade, is at the top of her class in English and some other classes too! Yuliya is now four and in preschool. She's doing well although recently had some trouble with another girl Tess. It was over some silly thing, but she got very upset and refused to talk to her. The triplets just turned two. They're very adamant about making sure people treat them as seperate people- especially Donovan, who is a little hotheaded sometimes! They're really sweet, though.
Zachary was recently offered a new job in his company, along with a good raise! He took it, and he is earning much more than he used to- which is good as raising six kids is no cheap task.
We were horrified and devastated to learn that my sister and her husband were killed in a car crash. Her two children Gabriella, eleven, and Eva, nine, were put in our custody. They are depressed and incredibly angry and upset, understandably. They're not coping at all- it's been three months and they have shown no signs of improvement. I'm going to sign them up for counseling.
Round Five:
We finally adopted one last child! Stepen Vasily is Irina and Yuliya's younger brother who was born shortly after we adopted his sisters. He recently turned four and loves to play with trucks. He looks just like Yuliya.
Irina is eight, Jude is six, Yuliya is five, the triplets are three, Gabriella is twelve, Eva is ten, and Stepen is nine.
More to come.....
- Melissa
Arielle Norah
EDD 6/4/06

Proud Mommy-to-be!
Since I was little, I've dreamt of a fairy tale wedding- lots of people celebrating, the bride in a white ballgown, the groom in a handsome black suit. And last weekend, I got my fairy tale wedding! Zachary and I were married in a beautiful garden ceremony at four o'clock in the afternoon. My niece Gabriella- she's four years old- was the flower girl. During the ceremony, she marched right up to Zachary and gave him a big kiss! It was very cute.
Zachary and I met eighteen months ago. My best friend threw her husband a surprise party. Zachary was my friend's husband's cousin, and we hit it off at the party!
We bought a house together, a lovely three bedroom house near the river. We hope to fill it up with children soon!
Round Two:
I cannot even begin to tell you my joy when I found out that I was pregnant. Almost immediately after Zachary and I shared our second anniversary, we were staring down at that little pink line. My pregnancy was easy- in fact, besides a little morning sickness in my first trimester, my biggest trouble was finding maternity clothes that would fit over my big belly! However, the labor was awful. I was in labor for nearly fourteen hours before I could begin pushing, and it was another hour before my son was born. But what a reward!
Jude Adair was born on Valentine's Day, weighing nine pounds and four ounces. He had light brown hair and dark eyes, with a tiny nose and a beautiful face. He has a cheerful disposition and loves to cuddle before bedtime! While generally an easy baby, he hates going to sleep at night. We decorated his room in soothing, calm colors like pastel green and yellow to help him but it takes awhile to calm him down at night!
I decided to quit my job as a psychologist to stay home with Jude. While I enjoyed my job, I love staying home with Jude!
Round Three:
Zachary, Jude and I are pleased to welcome the arrival of Irina Galya and Yuliya Marya, Russian sisters we adopted! Irina is five and Yuliya is two. Irina has dark brown curly hair and big blue eyes, while Yuliya has curly light hair and brown eyes. Irina is shy and wants to learn English- she already knows a little. Yuliya is much more outgoing and loves to play pretend. They both are trying to adapt, although it's difficult for them- especially Irina as she was so used to her old life. They both need a family to love them more than anything else.
Jude loves his sisters! He's looking forward to next year, when he and Yuliya will attend the same preschool. Until then, he satisfied with taking care of her!
Surprise! We're expecting triplets! This pregnancy was hard- towards the end of it, I was so large I could barely sit up and was put on bed rest for the last three weeks. I delivered the triplets at thirty-six weeks. Into the world, we welcomed Donovan Sage, Samuel William, and Nicholas Cade. Donovan, Sam, and Cole spent a week in the hospital, and then came home to find a family waiting for them! Everyone loves them! The three of them are as cute as a button, all with dark brown hair and dark brown eyes.
With six kids in a three bedroom house, it was definitely time to move! We moved to a nice house near the schools. Jude and Donovan will share a room, Sam and Cole will share a room, and Irina and Yuliya will share a room.
Round Four:
Jude, now five and in Kindergarten, wants a dog. After some debate, we adopted a Westie named Lulu. Everyone loves her!
Irina is seven and doing very well in school. She struggled with English in Kindergarten but now in second grade, is at the top of her class in English and some other classes too! Yuliya is now four and in preschool. She's doing well although recently had some trouble with another girl Tess. It was over some silly thing, but she got very upset and refused to talk to her. The triplets just turned two. They're very adamant about making sure people treat them as seperate people- especially Donovan, who is a little hotheaded sometimes! They're really sweet, though.
Zachary was recently offered a new job in his company, along with a good raise! He took it, and he is earning much more than he used to- which is good as raising six kids is no cheap task.
We were horrified and devastated to learn that my sister and her husband were killed in a car crash. Her two children Gabriella, eleven, and Eva, nine, were put in our custody. They are depressed and incredibly angry and upset, understandably. They're not coping at all- it's been three months and they have shown no signs of improvement. I'm going to sign them up for counseling.
Round Five:
We finally adopted one last child! Stepen Vasily is Irina and Yuliya's younger brother who was born shortly after we adopted his sisters. He recently turned four and loves to play with trucks. He looks just like Yuliya.
Irina is eight, Jude is six, Yuliya is five, the triplets are three, Gabriella is twelve, Eva is ten, and Stepen is nine.
More to come.....
- Melissa
Arielle Norah
EDD 6/4/06

Proud Mommy-to-be!