Round 0 --- 1 --- 2 --- 3 --- 4 --- 5 --- 6 --- to Round 7! Each round will have a namebank comprised characters and actors from a specific TV show or genre. The namebanks will grow larger each round to accommodate for building generations if you so choose. You will be able to set up your family tree however you like and add as many children as you want to for each round. Feel free to change any nicknames you see into full names. I also have names separated by male and female characters for organization, but you can use them for either sex.
This round will have a selection of names features in Mockumentary series. Mockumentaries are generally comedies that have characters take beats to break the fourth wall and interact with the audience by gestures within the scene or interviews off by themselves like in a documentary or reality series. The names I'll use will come from
The Office, Modern Family, and Parks & Recreation. Enjoy!
Angela April Ariel Aubrey Claire Dana Erin Gloria Haley Helene Ivy Jo Karen Leslie Lily Lucy Meredith Mindy Mona-Lisa Nellie Pam Phyllis Pilar Rashida Retta Sal Sarah Shauna Wendy Zoe
Adam Aziz Cameron Clark Cooper Creed Duane Dwight Dylan Gabe Harris Ira Kevin Javier Jay Jean-Ralphio Jerry Jim Louis Manny Michael Mitchell Nolan Phil Oscar Reuben Ron Stanley Toby Trevor
Beesly Delgado Dunphy Halpert Knope Ludgate Martinez Pakmer Perkins Pritchard Schrute Scott Swanson Tucker Wyatt
** Rhett, Judah, Elliot, Calvin **
*** Gillian, Emilia, Piper ***